Distance from Verona to Rimini

Distance from Verona to Rimini
While in Verona, my boyfriend and I really wanted to spend at least a few days at the seaside and sunbathe. We chose the Adriatic coast and decided to go to the largest resort town in this region. The city is located 260 km from. By car...
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Resorts in the Algarve province

Resorts in the Algarve province
Nine magnificent islands, lost in the Atlantic Ocean between Portugal and North America, are the Azores, a precious placer of the Atlantic, where the most beautiful lagoons and volcanic lakes in the craters of extinct volcanoes, shady grottoes and...
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What else to see in Paris?

What else to see in Paris?
How to see the most interesting places and attractions of Paris in 1, 2 and 3 days. How to get there and where to stay on a budget. I’ll say right away that 3 days in Paris is very little if you don’t prepare and plan the route. I had two trips...
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Where to go and what to see with children in Yalta

Where to go and what to see with children in Yalta
Coming to Yalta with their children, parents want not only to properly saturate their children with the sun and sea, but also to settle in a place where three conditions are met: quiet, inexpensive, and good infrastructure. You can find such places in the city, you just have to...
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