Online booking of airline tickets Qantas Airways

Online booking of airline tickets Qantas Airways
Qantas is Australia's largest airline, flying domestic and international flights around the world. The headquarters is located in Sydney, and the carrier's main airports are the international airports of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane....
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Celje - Welcome to Slovenia!

Celje - Welcome to Slovenia!
Russia is a state occupying vast areas of the Eurasian continent. The administrative-territorial division of the country involves many settlements. The peculiarities of multinational territories provided small subjects of Russia...
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Konstanz is a city on the shores of Lake Constance in Germany.

Konstanz is a city on the shores of Lake Constance in Germany.
On the northwestern shore of Lake Constance lies the ancient city of Konstanz. It is surrounded by the German Alps and borders Switzerland, and the Rhine flows through the middle of Konstanz, dividing it in half. The history of the city goes back more than a thousand years, when...
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Where are the Commander Islands located?

Where are the Commander Islands located?
The Commander Islands are an archipelago of four islands in the southwestern part of the Bering Sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean. Administratively they are part of the Aleutian region of the Kamchatka Territory of Russia. The islands are named after the navigator who discovered them in 1741...
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