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What to take to Vietnam Nha Trang. What to take with you to Vietnam. Cosmetics and hygiene products

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Vietnam, due to its geographical location, is a country with climatic conditions that are unusual for us (the climate is tropical monsoon), ideas about hygiene, food, flora and fauna.

Despite the fact that there are plenty of pharmacies in any city in Vietnam, and the prices there are quite reasonable (in Hanoi, even, frankly, low), in order to protect yourself and your loved ones on a trip, you need to have your usual medications with you.

Having analyzed the experience of experienced travelers to Vietnam and neighboring countries, we have compiled for you an exclusive list of medications that you should take with you on vacation (we hope you carry them in your suitcase just like that):

Medicines for poisoning

  • activated carbon (take at the first suspicion that something is wrong with the stomach, 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight)
  • loperamide/chloramphenicol (relieve symptoms of diarrhea)
  • lactofiltrum (cleanses the body in case of poisoning)
  • enterosgel (absorbent, store in the refrigerator)
  • enterofuril (broad-acting intestinal antiseptic)
  • rehydron (will restore the body’s water-salt balance during diarrhea)
  • black peppercorns (folk remedy: in case of poisoning, chew a few peas and swallow - it will kill all the infection)
  • mezim/pancreatin (whatever suits anyone - for better digestion of Vietnamese delicacies that are unusual for our stomach)
  • Gaviscon/rennie (for heartburn - there is a lot of spicy food in Vietnam)
  • laxative
  • Linex (will restore intestinal microflora)

It is worth remembering that Vietnamese cuisine includes a lot of spicy dishes, dishes fried in oil, vegetables, herbs and fruits, which are not always washed well. In roadside cafes, cutlery and dishes are poorly washed and the idea of ​​hygiene there is very vague (for example: rats and cockroaches in the kitchen of a roadside cafe are an absolute commonplace that no one pays attention to), so we strongly recommend that you eat in such places as rarely as possible, and if you still decide, wipe the utensils with alcohol gel or limes that are lying there right on the tables.

Experienced travelers advise taking more “stomach relief” medicines from home that will help you personally; Vietnam also has a lot of its own medicines, but in case of poisoning, if possible, it is better not to experiment and use a proven remedy.

Cold and flu medicines

If you think that in a country where the temperature often exceeds +40 °C you are not in danger of catching a cold, then you are mistaken - any Vietnamese establishment is now equipped with air conditioning (or, at worst, a ceiling fan), which every Vietnamese considers it their duty to set it up this way so that whoever enters the room will regret that he did not take his grandmother’s knitted sweater with him. And in general, as practice shows, colds in Vietnam are not that uncommon. This is evidenced by international statistics of visits to hospitals on vacation. First of all, of course, this concerns the northern region of Vietnam. Therefore, be sure to put the following medications in your tourist’s first aid kit:

  • Theraflu/Coldrex or their analogues (available in Vietnam, but a few sachets just in case won’t hurt)
  • aspirin, paracetamol and other antipyretics (for children - suppositories)
  • remedies for dry (required!) and wet coughs such as Ambrabene, ACC, etc.
  • hexaral/pharyngosept (for throat)
  • nasal decongestant
  • broad spectrum antibiotics
  • other cold and flu medications.

In general, in Vietnamese pharmacies such medicines are available in abundance, but understanding their analogues can be problematic, since the instructions for them are written in Vietnamese and English, and pharmacy sellers may not even know English, so it is better to play it safe and take it all with you.


In Vietnam, humidity levels often reach 100%. In such conditions, even a slight violation of the skin can lead to unpleasant consequences if you do not treat it with antiseptics in a timely manner, so be sure to take with you:

  • brilliant green, iodine
  • miramistin with spray, hydrogen peroxide
  • plaster, hemostatic wipes, bandage

Be careful when crossing the roadway and do not rent a motorbike if you do not have long-term driving experience in Russia - this will protect you from injury. Vietnamese roads are in chaos! It's safer and cheaper to use (or regular taxi) Grab or Uber.

Allergy remedies

Even if you are not allergic, you should definitely have with you:

  • cetrine
  • any ointment to apply to the skin to relieve allergy symptoms

The hot Vietnamese sun, ubiquitous insects, unusual food, replete with herbs, spices, fruits, and monosodium glutamate - all this can cause allergies even in a healthy person, so it’s better to be safe.

If you suddenly forgot to bring one of the medicines, and you needed it, then look for its international analogue on the Internet or look at what active ingredient it contains. Show the name of the active ingredient or an analogue to the pharmacist and he will find for you the Vietnamese version of the medicine, which will also cost a penny.

Other medications that are best to have on hand in Vietnam

  • valocordin/validol,
  • Citromon/Panadol (for headaches) or ibuprofen,
  • smecta,
  • panthenol/dexpanthenol (burning, allergies),
  • ammonia (ammonia),
  • no-shpa,
  • thermometer.

For children - take children's versions of drugs.

There is a little trick on how to fit all the medications in a suitcase (so that they take up less space): throw away all the packaging, leave only the blisters and instructions. All this can be secured with rubber bands or paper clips and placed in a separate bag.

For all medications, it is better to consult with specialists!

Helpful information

In Vietnam, there are many medicines of natural origin and analogues of expensive, world-famous medicines, which are sold there for pennies.

These include

  • ointments for muscle and joint pain and warming herbal ointments (“Vietnamese star” - cao sao vàng (cao sao vang) and Cobratoxan (based on cobra venom),
  • “white tiger” - bạch hổ (bat ho),
  • najatox, etc.),
  • cold medicines such as amiflu (day and night),
  • various teas and dietary supplements to lower cholesterol and blood sugar,
  • vitamins, antibiotics and much more.

If you need to buy several ointments for souvenirs, then you can easily go to the nearest pharmacy, but if you want to buy more serious medicines in large quantities, it makes sense to visit a store at a wholesale warehouse.

In the resort towns of Vietnam (Nha Trang, Mui Ne) on the central streets, almost all pharmacy sellers speak Russian, but if you want something cheaper, here is a link to a pharmacy in Nha Trang where there is a large selection of medicines and low prices:

Going to the doctor

It's worth noting that visiting a doctor for a check-up in Vietnam can be quite expensive, but only if you want to go to a good international hospital. One visit can easily reduce your capital by $100.

Another option is to go to local doctors in a small clinic. Cheaper, but not necessarily worse. Just ask the guides or the hotel, they will recommend you a good hospital.

But getting tested in Vietnam is much cheaper than in Russia, and the results can be ready within 15-20 minutes. But everything, of course, depends on the hospital, diagnosis, etc.

But insurance made in Russia will not be a 100% guarantee that, in the event of a serious health hazard, the hospital will accept the patient (this is due to the fact that Russian insurance companies have a very bad reputation in the world, and even in Vietnam they know that “Russians don’t pay”), so try to find a company with the best reputation for payments to foreign (Vietnamese) clinics, and if you take out insurance from your tour operator, find out everything from him inside and out, read reviews, make inquiries - this concerns your safety and your loved ones.

In addition, have a certain amount of cash with you “just in case” and a card where, in case of emergency, your friends or relatives could transfer money to you. Also, take the trouble to find out the addresses and telephone numbers of hospitals and mobile medical teams in the city where you are going. Many of them work around the clock.

Emergency medical phone number: 115

Do not hesitate to contact the reception desk of your hotel regarding such questions - the Vietnamese are very responsive and have a very positive attitude towards tourists from the countries of the former USSR - so they will always tell you where, if something happens, to get the best quality and cheapest medical care. Any taxi driver can also easily take a person to the nearest hospital. (the main thing, as in the film Brother 2, is to shout loudly in his ear, only not “Brighton Beach”, of course, but the word “ben Vien” - hospital).

Of course, when going on a 10-day vacation on a tour package, we hope that nothing serious will happen to us, and, indeed, Vietnam is not such a dangerous country for tourists. However, anything can happen, especially if you go on vacation with children, so, as they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, do not be lazy to look for other articles on the topic “what medications to take with you to Vietnam” and consult with doctors.

Don’t save time, money and space in your suitcase - protect yourself and your loved ones in advance and relax with peace of mind!

Packing for a vacation to any tropical country is always troublesome and time-consuming, and Vietnam will be no exception. You need to take care not only of clothes, but also of essentials that both you and your companions may suddenly need.


Packing for a vacation to any tropical country is always troublesome and time-consuming, and Vietnam will be no exception. You need to take care not only of clothes, but also of essentials that both you and your companions may suddenly need. The portal site offers its list of necessary things that you need to take with you to Vietnam, regardless of the vacation program and the chosen resort.


Vietnam is not a country with strict dress code rules for tourists, so you can safely take the most beautiful swimsuits, the lightest summer dresses and short shorts here. The only exception concerns visiting pagodas and Buddhist monasteries, where you cannot enter in miniskirts and T-shirts with bare shoulders.

A “standard” suitcase with things may consist of:

  • T-shirts/T-shirts/light polo shirts;
  • Shorts/breeches/cotton and linen trousers;
  • Beach shoes;
  • Sneakers (for everyday wear);
  • Shoes (for restaurants and establishments with a dress code);
  • Several sets of underwear;
  • Sweatshirts (for evening walks);
  • Pajamas;
  • Hat/sunglasses.

First aid kit

As in any exotic country, in Vietnam a Russian may experience the consequences of consuming local dishes, fruits and drinks, as well as exacerbation of respiratory diseases due to hot weather outside and rooms cooled by modern air conditioners. To be safe from these and other unpleasant situations, you should have a first aid kit on hand, in which you must include:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Anti-diarrhea medications;
  • Antiemetic tablets;
  • Painkillers;
  • A set of plasters or BF-6 glue;
  • Antiseptic wipes;
  • Nasal decongestion spray;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Lollipops for sore throat.

Cosmetics and hygiene products

Everything is fine with this in the republic, but do not forget that in hotels below three stars you will not find disposable shampoos and liquid soap in the rooms. Buying them in local stores is not profitable due to clearly inflated prices and unknown quality when it comes to Vietnamese products.

In the “beauty department” of your luggage you should definitely put:

  • Toothpaste/brush/floss;
  • Deodorant;
  • 2-3 towels per person;
  • Suntan cream;
  • Shaving accessories;
  • Comb/hair dryer.

Useful little things

In addition to all of the above, you will probably need the following things on vacation in Vietnam:

  • A guide with detailed maps of the region;
  • Russian-Vietnamese phrasebook;
  • Battery-powered flashlight (in case of a power outage);
  • Chargers for gadgets.

What cannot be brought into the country?

Vietnam's customs legislation differs little from neighboring countries in Southeast Asia, but there are still a number of distinctive points. Currently, the following are under a complete import ban:

  • Drugs of plant and synthetic origin (capital punishment without the right to extradition);
  • Medicines based on narcotic and psychotropic substances without a prescription in English;
  • Cold steel and firearms and ammunition;
  • Pyrotechnics;
  • Pornographic products on any media;
  • Religious and extremist materials prohibited for distribution;
  • Pets without vaccination records.

Even if you are healthy (We are sincerely happy for you!), we still recommend taking a minimum of medications with you, just in case.

Vietnam is a long road, foods unfamiliar to the body, and water is just as “alien.” The scorching sun, winds, and bloodthirsty insects are also worth mentioning. Taking into account the above, and more, we are making a list of medications for the trip.

We put in those medications that you use regularly if you have chronic diseases. Everyone will have their own list here.

Climate change can cause disruptions in the body, which result in headaches and fever. For this reason, we take antipyretics and painkillers. The latter will be useful in case of injuries, if any occur.

It won’t take long to get acquainted with local insects, so we take insect repellents: fumigators, spirals, sprays, creams. If the buzzing inhabitants of Vietnam have finally reached your body, then insect bite medications will help you. And they should definitely be in your first aid kit.

Getting to know another country also involves tasting local culinary masterpieces, and simply quenching your thirst or savoring exotic fruits and vegetables. You cannot predict the reaction of your stomach, so take with you medications that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergy sufferers, and travelers simply prone to allergic reactions, should definitely take allergy medications with them.

We don’t want to scare you, but germs accompany us everywhere. Vietnamese microbes are not familiar to our European body. Take antiseptic wipes or sprays on the road with which you can safely wipe and spray those objects that you and your children will handle. To treat wounds and all kinds of skin damage, put antibacterial products in your first aid kit.

And be sure to take sunscreen medications to Vietnam. The hot sun mercilessly scorches the bodies of tourists who arrogantly believe that their skin has not been through such things. Since we touched on the topic of the sun, clothing can also protect you from it on vacation.

Minimum set of clothes for holidays in Vietnam

Take clothes that are light and made from natural fabrics that cover your limbs. This could be a dress, tunic, pareo, light trousers, etc. These clothes will be useful for visiting temples. Of course, for the beach we take shorts, T-shirts, T-shirts, etc.

Sunglasses will also come in handy!

Warm jackets or sweaters are not needed. Bring a raincoat if you go during the rainy season (November to April). Although you can buy it in Vietnam: they are sold everywhere and inexpensively.

Don't forget the headdress. You can buy a national Vietnamese hat on the spot.

Remember: if your legs feel good, then your body rests and your head is not occupied with extraneous thoughts. We take shoes that are worn out and already “familiar” with roads and paths. No heels needed. Shoes should be light, comfortable, and breathable.

So, you've bought your plane tickets and booked your hotel rooms. Vacation in Vietnam starts any day! But what to take with you, what things will definitely come in handy?

What to take with you to Vietnam? List of things

When compiling a list of what things to take with you to Vietnam, the main thing is not to forget about sunscreen. Such funds will definitely not be superfluous! Tourists often get sunburned on the first day, literally within 20 minutes. There is no need to spoil your vacation, so buy more cream, and better yet, in advance. Personally, I prefer to use one cream for the face and another for the body. If you suddenly forgot to buy sunscreen in Russia, the first thing you need to do is take it when you arrive in Vietnam. There is a large selection here, prices in stores such as Lotte Mart are quite reasonable.

Shampoos, balms, masks and creams can be taken from home, or you can buy them on the spot. Moreover, there are so many in Vietnam. Among the usual brands, you can buy Dove shampoos and conditioners here. I also recommend cleansers, oils and creams from the Lemongrass brand - a trusted company, although not Vietnamese.

Sometimes friends, especially if they are traveling with children, ask what medicines to take with them to the seaside, to Vietnam. In fact, pharmacies have everything, but even the simplest products can cost much more. For example, regular activated carbon, which here costs about 10 rubles per standard, in Phan Thiet will cost 90 rubles. Therefore, put the medications that you use most often in your bag. There are two specific recommendations for Vietnam. Firstly, panthenol will help against sunburn. Secondly, something in case of allergies, for example suprastin. What if something from the national cuisine suits your taste, but not your body?

Vacation wardrobe

Tourists are often concerned about the question of what clothes to take with them to Vietnam. First, T-shirts, at least four of them, and two pairs of comfortable shorts. Girls don't have to give up beautiful dresses. Of course, during long excursions it is better for them to lie in a hotel room, but to go out to a restaurant they are simply necessary! Don't forget about a hat, cap or wide-brimmed hat, otherwise you'll quickly heat up your head.

Are you planning? It can be quite cold to drive it in the evenings. Therefore, I advise you to bring a windbreaker. A buff will also be very useful to prevent you from breathing dust and exhaust fumes on the roads. Of course, girls can’t do without a pair of swimsuits. Don't forget about the most beautiful and sexy one from your collection. Even if it’s not very comfortable, it’s worth wearing for a photo shoot!

What to take with you to a photo shoot in Vietnam?

Have you already planned a photo shoot in Vietnam and are wondering what to take with you? For starters, your favorite cosmetics. Lined eyes and red lipstick will brighten up your look. It’s also worth bringing matting wipes or powder. Take a couple of hair clips, preferably invisible ones. After all, flowers in your hair look very good in beach photographs. And bobby pins are perfect for securing them. To prevent the sun from blinding your eyes, it is better to wear sunglasses at some times, so take the best model you have.

What to take with you to Vietnam if you go on vacation to this sunny country? Let's discuss in detail what you need to pack in your suitcase when preparing for your trip. We will touch on issues related to money, medicines, clothing, shoes and some other nuances.


Let's start with the question of what to take with you to Vietnam - rubles or dollars. It is absolutely possible to answer that you should not take rubles to Vietnam. You will find where to change money, but the exchange rate will be extremely unfavorable. Therefore, it is better to take dollars or euros in cash. Despite the fact that many people advise taking small bills with you, this is not entirely correct. It may be convenient for you to use one-dollar bills in neighboring Cambodia, where dollars are in use everywhere, but in Vietnam you will have to exchange American currency for Vietnamese dongs and the rate for small bills may be lower than for bills of 50 and 100 dollars.

If we talk about what to take with you to Vietnam - a bank card or cash, then the choice is yours. ATMs are available in all resort areas and operate 24 hours a day. Check with your bank for information about the possibility of using the card abroad. Sometimes it is better to warn bank employees that you are going to use the card abroad, since sometimes it is blocked due to the fact that there is a suspicion that the card has been stolen and is being used from an unusual geographical location.

Clothes and shoes

What clothes should you take with you to Vietnam? If you travel to the south of the country, you are unlikely to freeze here at any time of the year. But in order to protect yourself from the sun, it is better to take light trousers and a long-sleeved jacket with you to Vietnam for moped rides and day walks. This way you can easily avoid sunburn. Keep in mind that you should wear modest clothing when visiting Buddhist temples. Shoulders and knees should be covered.

In the south of the country, a hat, cap or any other headdress that can protect from the sun will come in handy.

If you are traveling to the north of Vietnam, then find out what the weather will be like during your vacation. This part of the country can get chilly in winter.

When going to the mountainous Dalat, take a jacket or sweater with you. The climate at altitude is quite capricious and changeable, and in the evening it can become cool.

If you are going to relax on local beaches, flip-flops will be the ideal shoe option for you. But if you are planning on visiting waterfalls, jungles and long trips, then consider taking comfortable sneakers with you to Vietnam.


At first, you should provide yourself with strong sunscreens with a protection level of at least 50 spf, and if you go on a long trip during the daytime, you can use a product with spf 80. Do not forget that the best time for tanning is early morning and after three o'clock in the afternoon. It is not necessary to take after-sun products with you to Vietnam. There is wonderful coconut oil here that you can use to moisturize your skin after sunbathing. In Vietnam you can also find excellent aloe-based products. Fresh aloe leaves are sold in fruit shops; they can relieve redness and inflammation of the skin and cure sunburn.

First aid kit

It is not always possible to find a traditional pharmacy within walking distance in Vietnam. In tourist areas there are many pharmacies that sell various balms, ointments and vitamin nutritional supplements. Among them there are really useful drugs, but in such pharmacies you may not find a regular painkiller. That is why it is better to think in advance about what medications to take with you to Vietnam. If you suffer from allergies, take antihistamines with you. Ointments that repel insects, as well as creams that relieve itching, will be useful. To protect yourself from food poisoning, stock up on activated carbon. Taking a painkiller on your trip won't hurt either. Antipyretic medications may also be helpful. Air conditioners in transport and hotels often contribute to an increase in temperature; many people also feel unwell due to climate change.

We hope that our tips will help you have a comfortable holiday!