
Travel by car from Istanbul to Edirne. Route from Istanbul to Edirne. What to bring from Edirne

The distance Istanbul - Edirne along the highway is 236 km, in a straight line - 213 km. In English countries, the length of this route is 147 miles by road and 133 miles as the crow flies. The trip from Istanbul to Edirne by car will last approximately 3 hours 22 minutes.

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and passes near 11 settlements. To plot the route Istanbul - Edirne for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

To find out what traffic jams are like on the Istanbul-Edirne road now, check the “Traffic” box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Istanbul to by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a map diagram of the road route in a convenient format, click.

To plot the route and calculate the distance, precise satellite coordinates of roads and settlements were used. We do not guarantee 100% accuracy and are not responsible for the route constructed.

Edirne, historically known as Adrianople, is a city in the northwestern Turkish province of Edirne, in the region of East Thrace, close to Turkey's borders with Greece and Bulgaria. Edirne served as the third capital city of the Ottoman Empire from 1363 to 1453, before Constantinople (present-day Istanbul) became the empire's fourth and final capital. At present, Edirne is the capital of Edirne Province in Turkish Thrace. The city's estimated population in 2014 was 165,979.- Wikipedia

Things to do in Edirne

  • Selimiye Mosque

    The Selimiye Mosque (Turkish: Selimiye Camii) is an Ottoman imperial mosque, which is located in the city of Edirne, Turkey. The mosque was commissioned by Sultan Selim II, and was built by architect Mimar Sinan between 1569 and 1575. It was considered by Sinan to be his masterpiece and is one of the highest achievements of Islamic architecture.

  • Karaağaç

    Karaağaç (Turkish: "elm, elm wood") is a suburb of Edirne in northwestern Turkey at the border with Greece. Karaağaç is 4 km southwest from the center of Edirne, across the river Maritsa and opposite the Greek village Kastanies. In 1890, the large Karaağaç railway station was built in the town, which also served Edirne, becoming the last train stop in Turkey to Europe. In 1971, Turkish State Railways (TCDD) constructed a new railway station at the opposite side of the river, abandoning the former one, which is now used as Trakya University's Faculty of Fine Arts..

Situated at the junction of the borders of Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria, vibrant and distinctive Edirne is a popular destination for travelers who want to get away from the bustle of Istanbul and get a taste of the Turkish hinterland. True, calling a city of 150,000 people that way would be a big lie. Especially considering that in the Middle Ages it was the capital of the Ottoman Empire, and later its most important economic and military-political center. Edirne almost always had a border status, so it often found itself in historical vicissitudes and repeatedly radically changed its ethnic composition. All these events, as if layered on top of each other, left behind a rich architectural heritage, some examples of which are even included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The mosque has 999 windows, which, according to Sinan, symbolized the perfection of Allah. The dome and walls inside are decorated with calligraphy and geometric details in pink and blue colors. There is a small museum in the courtyard, admission is free.

Next door to Selemiye is the Uch Sherefeli mosque (Sabuni quarter). This temple is notable for the fact that each of its 4 minarets has a unique appearance. One of them has balconies - the name of the mosque translates as “Three Balconies”. The interior is a real celebration of color. All domes, central and small, are painted differently. Another temple worth visiting is the Old Mosque, located across the road from Selemiye. It is the smallest, but also the oldest of the three central mosques. The temple is famous for its decoration with numerous calligraphic inscriptions.

Edirne was once part of ancient Thrace, so a huge number of valuable artifacts from that era have been discovered in its vicinity. Almost all of them are exhibited in the local Archaeological Museum (Kadirpasa Sokak, 7). Its main treasures are a prehistoric dolmen and a reconstructed Thracian hut in the courtyard.

Our map will help you create the optimal route between given points. With its help you can determine the shortest distance from Istanbul to Edirne. The length of the route from Istanbul to Edirne by road is 0 km. In order to plot a route on the map, you should enter the starting and ending points of the movement and click on the "Calculate" button. The resulting path is indicated on the map with a thick line. To print a map from Istanbul to Edirne, click on the printer image above the map. A trip along a self-built route is convenient because the transit points you need are taken into account. This helps to avoid difficulties that may arise when driving on the Istanbul-Edirne highway. You can also choose places to rest along your route. Our service will also help you find out the time you will spend on the road from Istanbul to Edirne. Based on the average speed of the vehicle, the travel time will be 0 hours 0 minutes.

The trip should be a joy! To achieve this goal, the specific features of the chosen route should be taken into account. This will determine how quickly and safely you can reach your final destination. So, for example, if your route passes through an area with a large number of settlements, then you do not need to worry about a large amount of gasoline in the tank in advance. If the road bypasses densely populated areas, then it is necessary to determine in advance the area where refueling will take place. In addition, everyone knows that the quality of gasoline at different gas stations can vary greatly. When traveling long distances, try to refuel your car at reputable gas stations.

She had been attracted to me for a long time, but I still couldn’t decide to go there - I didn’t have enough time, or there was no company. But I still managed to fulfill my dream and visit this Muslim country)).
I traveled with my friends. We planned the trip independently using the Internet. I will tell you below what kind of vehicle you can use to travel from one city to another. Go)).


The only public transport that runs from Istanbul to Edirne is buses. Metro, a well-known company in Turkey, regularly transports passengers on this route.

I will not indicate the schedule of this transport for one reason - the number of available buses and their departure hours may vary depending on the season, as a rule, when there is demand (spring, summer), there are more available flights. The schedule can be easily found on the carrier's website. I will indicate the web portal below.
Buses depart from two bus stops in Istanbul. Be careful when planning your trip. Here is a screenshot showing where the buses will start from.


A bus ticket will cost 9 euros.


You can buy passes on the Metro website or at the ticket office of the Istanbul bus station, where the departure takes place.


As an alternative to public transport - a passenger car. If you are traveling with a large group or with small children, then this is a great travel option. You can rent a car in Turkey without even leaving your home. To do this, you just need to take a gadget with Internet access, go to any site like that and look for available options.
You can get from Istanbul to Edirne by car in three hours, because there are about 240 km between these cities.
The condition of roads in this Muslim country is a solid top five.

If we talk about tolls, some highways in Turkey have tolls. The cost of travel on the O-3 highway, which runs on the way from Istanbul to Edirne, is just over 2 euros. But that's not all you have to shell out money for.
The principle of payment is as follows: when entering a toll section, the driver buys a sticker, which consists of two sides (one remains with him, the second must be stuck on the windshield of the car), for 9 euros (1.3 euros costs the sticker itself, 7.7 euros - a credit for payment ), and when entering certain points, the machine itself will withdraw the required amount (important - the speed must be reduced to 30 km/h, because this is the only way the system calculates the chip).

This is what the sticker looks like:

Other options

Several years ago, several trains ran between these cities. But when we were traveling around Turkey, repair work was being carried out along this route, and it was impossible to use railway transport. But check this information before your trip; train flights may already be available.


My friends and I traveled by bus. No one had a driver's license to rent a car and use it to travel from one city to another. That's why we chose this particular transport. We are happy with the trip: short, inexpensive - everything you need for budget student travel)).