
How many kilometers from pike perch to Alushta. How to get from Alushta to Sudak Description of the route Alushta - Sudak

The distance from Alushta to Sudak in a straight line is 81 km, through Simferopol - 150 km. Rare buses run between cities, and the more popular route is a detour with a transfer.

Bus Alushta - Sudak

There are very few buses on the direct route: after all, the road is not easy. Travel time is 2 hours 25 minutes. The price of a bus ticket from Alushta to Sudak in 2019 is 305 rubles. You can purchase it on the website Gosavtobus.Ru.

Bus schedule Alushta - Sudak 2019

There is a much better chance of getting to Sudak with a transfer in Simferopol. A ticket from Alushta to Simferopol costs 75-120 rubles. The journey takes about 1 hour (45 km). A ticket from Simferopol to Sudak costs 173-200 rubles. The journey takes about 2 hours (100 km). Please note that there are several bus stations in Simferopol. Tickets can be purchased on the website.

Taxi Alushta - Sudak

Professional drivers will ensure a safe and comfortable trip. A pre-booked transfer is a convenient way to get to your destination. Placing an order is very simple: after going to the website, follow the instructions.

Highway Alushta - Sudak

Motorists have two routes - calm and picturesque. The first involves a trip through Simferopol, the second - directly along the coastal route.

The distance to Sudak from Alushta by car depends on the chosen route.

Road Alushta - Sudak (81 km). This is the most “serpentine” route of all the roads connecting the Crimean resorts. But at the same time, it is also the most picturesque: the views are inspiring, and many find it difficult to resist stopping and taking a couple of photos.

Travel time depends on the experience and confidence of the driver. Those who deftly navigate sharp turns and climbs reach Sudak in 1 hour 40 minutes. On average the trip takes 2 hours. But if a novice or a very careful driver is driving, it will easily take 3 hours.

You can complement your travel experience by visiting attractions, of which there will be many along the way. Among others, noteworthy: Museum of Water Disasters, Stone Mushrooms, Cape Choban-Kule, it is worth turning to Cape Ai-Foka.

Another point concerns passengers who get motion sickness. It will definitely be hard on this track. Special tablets will not be superfluous. If children are traveling with you, choose the road through Simferopol - it’s safer.

Route Alushta - Simferopol - Sudak (150 km). There are no serpentines here, but there are also impressive views. The trip will take approximately 3 hours (in Simferopol - along the Bypass road with access to the P23 highway).

Description of the route Alushta - Sudak

Route length between Alushta and Sudak: 80 km

Approximate travel time: 1h 5m show route description

The distance Sudak - Alushta along the highway is 78 km, in a straight line - 48 km. In English countries, the length of this route is 49 miles by road and 30 miles as the crow flies. The trip from Sudak to Alushta by car will last approximately 1 hour 7 minutes.

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and runs near 2 settlements. To plot the route Sudak - Alushta for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

Gas stations along the route are shown on the map. The total number of gas stations is 1, including:

    Rosneft: 1

To find out what traffic jams are on the Sudak – Alushta road now, check the “Traffic” box and enlarge the map. To find out how to travel from Sudak to Alushta by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a map of the road route in a convenient format, click.

To plot the route and calculate the distance, precise satellite coordinates of roads and settlements were used. We do not guarantee 100% accuracy and are not responsible for the route constructed.

The distance from Sudak to Alushta is 81 km. Information about the distance was obtained by plotting a route along highways. It is important to know the number of kilometers in order to calculate travel time and estimate travel costs. So, according to the map, the length of the road from Sudak to Alushta is 81 km. Using the average vehicle speed and the calculated mileage, we find that the approximate travel time will be 1 hour 19 minutes. Also, based on the number of kilometers and the current price of gasoline, you can calculate the cost of the trip and stock up on the required amount of fuel. When traveling long distances, determine in advance at which kilometer of the route you will make rest stops. Our map will help you find the shortest route from Sudak to Alushta, which will reduce your costs and eliminate unnecessary travel time. The thick line indicates the path you have chosen. Sometimes it is interesting to know the number of kilometers traveled in other units of measurement: 81 km. km = 50.33 miles. The "Print version" function allows you to print a map from Sudak to Alushta.

If you are planning a long-distance trip, you should remember a few simple but important rules: - carefully prepare your car for a long trip: check the level of engine oil, coolant, windshield washer fluid, make sure all lighting, etc. are functioning properly. - check the tire pressure. It is very important that it matches the pressure recommended for your vehicle. - prepare a spare tire and a tow rope - no one is immune from a tire puncture or breakdown on the highway, you should foresee possible troubles in advance and avoid them. - choose roads with high-quality surfaces - this will extend the life of your “iron horse” and save your nerves. When preparing for a trip, think through everything to the smallest detail so that the trip leaves pleasant memories and not a headache.