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Vrindavan city in India. Holy places on the map of India: Vrindavan (Krishna temples). Vrindavan - online map with satellite view: streets, houses, districts and other objects

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Vrindavan - online map with satellite view: streets, houses, areas and other objects.

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Vrindavan is a village in India, which is considered the abode of God on Earth. Read and watch a video about the holy place of Vrindavan on the map of India.

If I were asked where to go for the first time in India, and even more so, if I were asked where it is better to go for spiritual grace, I would immediately answer - only Vrindavan.

If you had asked me what place could dissolve the sorrows, sorrows and stones that oppress the soul, I would immediately answer - Vrindavan. This is the place where God is present, that's true. I would beg you not to go to Varanasi, not to go to Rishikesh, Goa and other places of dubious nature, but only to Vrindavan...

At least for a whole month. It doesn't matter what race you are, what religion, what age you are, whether you're an atheist or not, just go there in your life. Even just staying in this place, any creature will sooner or later feel the very Light ... to which all living beings go in myriads of worlds and universes, that Light, that Primal Foundation, from which we ourselves came out, dividing ourselves into many, to play samsara.

The light that we have never forgotten in the very depths of our hearts, in the very depths of our Being. That Light to which all religions, all paths and paths throughout the Universe lead. Shedding a tear in Vrindavan - it eclipsed the rest of India!

From the impressions of a traveler.

People come to India for different things and not only for exotic things. However, to get the maximum benefit from a trip to India, you need to be at the right time in the right place and hear the right words. Moreover, get the necessary awareness. And here it’s up to anyone’s luck.

I invite you to watch a small sketch from the series "MYSTERIOUS INDIA", filmed several years ago.
The film is structured as a guide to Vrindavan.

Vrindavan is a city of five thousand temples!

You have a good chance to see the "promised land" of all Hare Krishna devotees.

Holy Vrindavan on the map of India

6:00 second video begins the description of the appearance site of Srimati Radharani

8:50 second video Avadhut Maharaj shows the place where Radha and Krishna swung on a swing. To tell the truth, it just looks somehow too simple, causing bewilderment. Like, right here? That's how they swayed? Or maybe it wasn’t here, but this place is a reconstruction? Or maybe there was something completely different here? In short, Vrindavan needs to be seen not only with the eyes, but also with the heart.

Finally I got a chance to see the video of Radha Kunda!
2:15 part 3– show and describe Radha Kunda.

7:00 part three the temple of Hari Deva is described. This is an ancient temple, they say it is 5,000 years old. In appearance, it may not be so pompous, but the steps at the entrance to it are obviously higher for people than the current pygmy tribe of us.
So I invite you to watch this film, it will definitely leave in your heart a piece of longing for the atmosphere of India.

Vrindavan is a city in Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. In ancient times, this place was the site of a forest in which, according to the Puranic literature of Hinduism, Krishna held his lila (games) during his earthly incarnation more than 5,000 years ago. Vrindavan is located on the banks of the sacred Yamuna River, 150 km south of Delhi and 15 kilometers from the city of Mathura, which is considered to be the birthplace of Krishna. Vrindavan is also called the city of 5000 temples.

The name Vrindavan comes from “Vrinda” - this is how the sacred plant Tulsi and “van” - forest were called in ancient times. According to legend, in ancient times this place was the location of the Tulsi forest, in which, according to the Bhagavata Purana, Krishna spent his childhood more than 5,000 years ago.

Holy places on the map of India: Vrindavan (Krishna temples)

As a baby, Krishna ran around the land of Vrindavan, ran into neighbors' houses, broke pots of curdled milk and fresh butter and distributed their contents to his friends. When he grew up a little, he began to go out with his peers, the shepherd boys, to herd calves.

From time to time this pastoral idyll was disrupted by the invasion of some demon sent by Kamsa, and Krishna had to deal with him, and then, as if nothing had happened, return to the simple shepherd affairs interrupted for a while. Here on this earth he raised Govardhana Hill to protect the inhabitants of Vrindavan from the torrential rain sent to Vrindavan by Lord Indra. Here, in the forests of Vrindavan, when Krishna grew up a little, he secretly met with gopis - beautiful cowherd girls.

When Krishna turned 16 years old, he left Vrindavan, never to return here again.

Here is a detailed map of Vrindavan with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or by clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the “+” and “-” icons located on the map on the right. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

In which country is the city of Vrindavan located?

Vrindavana is located in India. This is a wonderful, beautiful city, with its own history and traditions. Vrindavan coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on a large map).

virtual walk

An interactive map of Vrindavan with attractions and other tourist sites is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the “Map” mode, the icon of which is in the upper left corner, you can see a city plan, as well as a detailed map of roads with route numbers. You can also see the city's railway stations and airports marked on the map. Nearby you see the “Satellite” button. By turning on satellite mode, you will examine the terrain, and by enlarging the image, you will be able to study the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the “little man” from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual walk around Vrindavan. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out of the image.

If you ask a Hindu from any region of India about which place is a must-visit, you will always hear, one of the first on the long list, the city of Vrindavan. You can find it very often in guidebooks to Vrindavan. The sacred place is popular not only among local residents, but also among tourists.

For some, this city seems boring or even dangerous, others, while in it, are in complete oblivion with tears in their eyes from awe, others eagerly explore every corner and take a huge number of photographs. Yes, this city is clearly not for trips of a purely entertainment nature. Vrindavan in India is a very specific settlement with many temples and holy places. Representatives of various religious movements of Hinduism, mainly Vaishnavas (devotees), spend their time here. To understand what kind of city this is, you need to plunge into the history of terms, names and titles.

Vrindavan concept

Vaishnavism (or Vaishnavism) is one of the main religious movements of Hinduism; it originates many centuries ago. Vaishnavas worship Lord Vishnu and his avatars, mainly Rama and Krishna. Also, the flow implies compliance with a set of certain mandatory rules. For example, you should not expose your body to intoxications, you should not eat meat, fish and eggs, every day it is advisable to repeat the names of the Lord in the form of a sacred mantra: “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama , Hare Hare." The mantra is repeated on a wooden rosary, where there are 107 beads; one repetition of it is one bead. Advanced Vaishnavas repeat the mantra, walking on beads for at least 16 rounds. For believers, this process takes about 2.5 hours. It is auspicious to repeat the mantra in the very early morning hours before sunrise. The rosary is kept in special cloth bags, as they are made from the sacred tulsi tree. It grows in India and is very common among Vaishnavas.

Srila Prabhupada - main person

The main figure in the Vaishnava world is Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, also known as Srila Prabhupada. The main goal of this man was to spread information about Krishna throughout the world; he wanted to introduce him to a pious lifestyle, convey his knowledge and experience through books and sermons. He managed to do a great job in this field and left behind a lot of followers, books, and recordings. He was a tireless traveler and never deviated from his idea. There is a temple in Vrindavan where Prabhupada's ashes and his memorial are located. This is a very beautiful place, the building is made entirely of white marble. In hot weather, it is very pleasant to be in a cool marble room, imagining the image of this unusual person.

The main attractions of Vrindavan in India

Vrindavan is famous for having a very large number of temples. There are 5,000 of them in total. However, according to local residents, there are many more temples. They pray and worship deities every morning. The deities are represented in the form of statues, stones and dolls in colorful clothes. If you see an oval-shaped stone with stripes, this is a Shivalingam; worshiping it looks very interesting. It is doused with liquid (milk, water) several times, then smeared with ghee, and then topped with fresh flowers. If you walk along the streets of the city of Vrindavan in India, you will notice a huge number of men and women selling fragrant wreaths and bouquets. You might think that local women are surrounded by numerous fans buying flowers. But no, all the flowers and all the best things are meant for temples and deities.

The sacred river Yamuna is also located here. Various rituals are performed in it: ablution, cremation, pujas and so on. The Yamuna (Jamna) is the largest and longest tributary of the Ganges; in the city area it is quite heavily polluted. Despite this, many locals bathe in it. In the shallow waters, cows and buffaloes wade across the Yamuna after a day spent grazing.

Local residents live from trade and livestock farming. Their life is very simple and modest. Luxury can only be found in hotels and temples.

Contingent in Vrindavan

The number of permanent residents of the city is about 57 thousand people. But between October and November the number of people per square kilometer increases sharply. All Vaisnavas and interested travelers try to visit Vrindavan. Of course, there is a very good reason for this. From October 6 to November 4, the holy month of Kartika takes place. It is believed that the benefit received from serving this month is several times greater than the benefit received from serving the rest of the time. Therefore, it is very difficult to book hotels in Vrindavan during this period. If you want to visit the city at this particular time, then it is better to take care of booking accommodation in advance. Some people book hotels and rooms a year in advance. Hotels in Vrindavan in India have different price categories and star ratings. The city's infrastructure is gradually developing, and the choice of accommodation for tourists is increasing.

Kartika - holy month

So, if you are lucky enough to get to Vrindavan during the Kartika period, you can see very beautiful Vaishnava rituals and hear the performance of songs flowing straight from the heart. On Kartik, a huge number of lamps are lit in honor of Krishna and his mother Yashoda, and they are floated on the water along with flowers and other attributes of worship.

Vaishnavas have a distinctive feature - small ponytails of hair on their heads. They all wear cloth bags with rosaries and have yellow clay in the shape of a horseshoe applied to their foreheads. Vaishnavas can be found all over the world - people in loose, colorful robes with drums, dancing and singing about their Lord Krishna, and they often sell books about Krishna on busy streets. Moreover, Vaishnavas are not only Hindus, among them there are a huge number of people of other nationalities. Thanks to Srila Prabhupada, Vaishnavism spread far to the west. There are a lot of admirers of this religious movement among our compatriots.

Vrindavan - the city of Krishna's childhood

Why do Vaishnavas gather in Vrindavan in India? The answer is very simple. This city is considered to be the place where Krishna spent his childhood and youth. Vrindavan is the “city of 5000 temples”, each of its streets serves as a reminder of the life of Krishna. Also nearby is the city where he was born - Mathura. Every corner of Vrindavan is considered sacred, including animals, trees and even the dust on the road. People who were born in Vrindavan are considered lucky, since, according to Vaishnavas, they live their last life in an imperfect world. Their next birth will be on the higher planets, or the circle of birth and death will be completely interrupted, and they will fall into Nirvana - the eternal bliss of non-existence.

Indian yoga

You can also often meet yogis here, some of them very thin. They can be seen with matted hair, smeared with a white or yellow mixture, their body is only covered with pieces of cloth, and sometimes there is only an iron cap in the groin area. They live on the street in makeshift tents, eat very modestly, and wash in rivers. These people have completely devoted their lives to meditation and reflection; they are not interested in material wealth.

Here you can rarely meet a tourist dressed in the latest fashion with an expensive camera in his hands; they are not interested here. The fashion in this city is completely different. Women here wear long, floor-length clothes - saris, and men wear dhoti - sheets tied in a special way at the hips.

Flora and fauna

Green parrots, peacocks, buffaloes, dogs, cows, piglets - they all live on the streets of Vrindavan in India. And, of course, the main thieves of the city are monkeys. You can write a separate article about them. They feed on whatever they find during the day. Smart and cunning animals often take glasses from tourists, take away cameras, fruits, and bags of food. They also visit open windows and doors. But there is another group of monkeys - Hanumana langurs. They behave in a noble and dignified manner and are respected and respected by Hindus. They look unusual, you can recognize them by their white crest. Almost every temple has its own langurs.

A huge number of cows and buffaloes roaming freely on the streets and roads is a common sight in India. The cow is considered a mother-nurse; the meat of the animal is not eaten, only milk and dairy products are eaten.

The flora of Vrindavan is represented by colorful and impressive plants. Huge centuries-old banyan trees, small gnarled trees, spreading bushes - everything pleases the eye. In many nearby protected areas, nature is completely untouched; there you can feel like an ancient person at the origins of civilization.

How to get to Vrindavan in India?

The city of Vrindavan is located in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the northern part of India, 185 kilometers from New Delhi. Upon arrival in the capital of India, you can order a taxi to Vrindavan or go there by bus. Usually the journey takes 5-6 hours. The cost of a taxi fare varies from 2.5 to 7 thousand, it all depends on how you negotiate.

The climate is very humid as Vrindavan is located in the subtropical zone. When the monsoon winds begin to blow, a lot of precipitation falls - about 85% of the annual norm. The average temperature in winter is +13+17°C. In spring the temperature reaches +32°C. The weather of Vrindavan in India is typical for this state. It is still recommended to take warm clothes with you, since the nights in the winter months are very cold, and there are no heating elements anywhere. Warm blankets and scarves can be purchased on trading platforms throughout India; high-quality woolen items are very cheap. Many tourists take sleeping bags with them, as they are a very practical thing. Firstly, they are comfortable and warm, and secondly, the bed linen in some cheap hotels is very rarely fresh and clean. In India, be prepared to compromise your standards of cleanliness.

Often the impressions and reviews of tourists about Vrindavan and India in general are contradictory. Some are fascinated by the temples and way of life of the Hindus, while others are shocked. One thing is clear: this country does not leave anyone indifferent. Try to love her, closing your eyes to the material world and completely immersing yourself in the spirituality that reigns in her.

Vrindavan (Brindavan)- a small town on the banks of the Yamuna, located 11 km north of Mathura, is one of the most important pilgrimage sites associated with the name of Lord Krishna in Braj and in northern India in general, and attracts up to half a million pilgrims annually.
Most of the pilgrims come to Vrindavan for the celebration, which is celebrated here with special pomp and scale, stretching for almost a whole month, as well as during two months of celebrations of the birthdays of Krishna and his legendary beloved Radha in August - September.

Vrindavan is one of the tirthas of India, that is, a holy place marking the crossing to another world on the Yamuna River, gradually moving away from the city, bending for 2 km. from its original bed, and all but 5 of its 38 ghats are now without water. Little remains of the forests mentioned in the legend of Krishna, and only a few sacred basil groves remain in the place where he had fun with the gopi cowherd boys. For Vaishnavas, however, Vrindavan plays a role; they believe that if they die here, they will receive moksha - from rebirth. In addition to numerous pilgrimage shelters (dharmashalas), Vrindavan also has several “widow houses” run by wealthy devotees who provide food and shelter to poor women dressed in white saris who find solace in serving Krishna. Two thousand of these women gather twice a day at the Bai Ashram to sing bhajans in praise of Krishna and Radha.

Temples of Vrindavan
Although Vrindavan is not as rich in temples as other tirthas, there are quite a few shrines here, but many of them are now abandoned and falling apart, or being inhabited.

The most popular temple in the city is relatively new and rebuilt in the 19th century. Banke Bihari (Banke Bihari) (from 9.00 to noon and from 18.00 to 21.00; admission is free), located near the Bazaar. The temple is famous for its special floral decorations of the deity. Stalls on the corner of the street leading to it sell excellent lassi malai (creamy cocotails) and kesar (saffron cocotails), served in unfired clay cups (bhands).

ISKCON - International Society of Krishna Consciousness has built a rich new temple in Vrindavan - Krishna Balaram Mandir , located approximately 3 km west of the city in the town of Raman Reti. Built in the Bengal Renaissance style with colorful frescoes depicting scenes from the life of Krishna, the temple includes a marble one in honor of the society's founder, Swami Prabhupada, who died in 1977.

Among the new temples that have recently arisen along the road - Vrindavan, we can mention Gita Mandir , which houses the Gita Stambh - a pillar on the surface of which the entire Bhagavad Gita is carved. This imposing temple, built by one of the country's most powerful industrial families, the Birla, dwarfs the incredibly huge, multi-story, ship-like structure known as the Pagal Mandir, located just down the road.

The oldest existing temple is the temple Govinda Deva (Givinda deva), known locally as “Govindji”, is located near the center, on the main Mathura-Vrindavan road, which is one of the most impressive medieval Hindu structures in northern India, although religious activity here is not as vibrant as some others sanctuaries of Vrindavan. This temple was erected by Raja Man Singh in 1590, its main tower is said to have once been seven stories high; and those three floors which survived the raids of Aurangzeb give it a squat and truncated appearance.

Opposite Govinda Dev, across the main street, is a modern ornate temple in the South Indian style. Sri Ranganatha (Shri Ranganatha), also known as the Rangaji Temple, is notable not only for its Dravidian gopurams, but also for its rich decoration, including the gilded decorations that crown its tall shikhara, as well as the gilded pillar of the Dhwaja Stambha ) in the courtyard (where non-Hindus are not allowed).
At the entrance to the temple there is an electronic puppet show showing scenes from Hindu epics.