
Pacifida. The Lost Continent of Mu Colonel Churchward's Research

James Churchward - The Ancient Continent of MU. The ancestral home of humanity

"SOFIA" 1997

James Churchward

Translation by K. Semenov

Editor A. Kostenko

Cover by S. Nikolenko

Ancient continent of Mu. / Per. from English K. Semenova. - K.: “Sofia”, 1997. -288 p.
ISBN 966-7319-09-1

The cradle of humanity was not in the Middle East, as biblical teaching claims, and not in East Africa, as modern science suggests, but on a now-vanished continent in the Pacific Ocean. The name of this vast land - Mu - means "homeland", and is still in many languages ​​of the Earth on m The word "mother" begins.

In 1868, English Colonel James Churchward, while serving in India, became friends with an old Hindu priest who helped him decipher stone tablets that had been kept for many centuries in the farthest corner of the temple. Ancient writings told about a forgotten civilization that appeared, flourished and disappeared in the waters of the Pacific Ocean long before Atlantis, which repeated its fate.

Churchward devoted the rest of his life to searching for surviving evidence of this civilization. After India, Burma and Arizona, the South Seas and Alaska, Australia and Mexico awaited him. The colonel had to study the history of the Mayans and Uyghurs, geology and ancient religions, the symbolism of Greek letters and swastikas and write an alternative history of our world - too amazing for most people to believe in it...
ISBN 966-7319-09-1




































In search of praro Dina

editor's foreword

O Where did man come from? Was it created by God somewhere in the Middle East or descended from a monkey somewhere in East Africa? Or, maybe, people began to be born on Earth, and completed their evolution on some other planet? There are many theories. We love to argue about our origins and our distant past. For some reason this is very important to us. Yes, in fact, it’s clear why: solving the mystery of our Past would help us get closer to understanding our present and future.

So, there are a lot of theories. And many of them are quite boring, they no longer excite thought, they do not contribute to spiritual growth. Therefore, the Sofia publishing house tries to bring to the attention of readers new theories - non-trivial, fresh, paradoxical. And at the same time, as they say, “owning minds.”

We started with the American and European super bestseller of recent years - “There is not a word of truth in this book, but that’s exactly how it happens” by Bob Frissell. The name itself is provocative, but it is justified. Frissell 1 masterfully weaved together all the latest theories that consistently explain all the ancient mysteries. The origin of humanity is given special attention. We will not retell this incredibly information-rich book in the preface to a completely different book. Let us note the very essence: NOSH humanity was artificially created by representatives of several extraterrestrial civilizations.

Why and how? This is covered in detail in other books. All over the world, texts dictated by the representatives of the Cosmic Mind themselves are now being carefully studied in the process nennelinga -mental contact with earthlings. We published a collection of such texts under the General title “Channeling. Messages from the Elder Brothers of Humanity." Different people and different essence participate in

contacts, but the same thing is repeated again and again: humanity is an experiment; humanity was created by the Elder Brothers; The brothers carry out their mission on Earth 1 in the hope that the earthlings will fulfill my mission in the Universe when the time comes.
Or rather, the party of Teachers standing behind him
And yet: where on Earth was the ancestral home of humanity? Where did the first people live, no matter who created them? Are there any really out-of-the-box ideas for this? It turns out there is!

What is most surprising is that one of these “fresh” ideas is already more than seventy years old. True, James Churchward’s theory is fresh only for us, the former inhabitants of “one-sixth of the land.” In the wider world, Churchward's magnum opus, The Vanished Continent of Mu, has been celebrated for seventy years as one of those books in which "there is not a word of truth" (although perhaps that's exactly what happened). At best, we have heard something about the fact that Mu is the Pacific version of Atlantis, a sunken ancient continent or island.

So, in this volume, Sophia presents one of the most original and influential theories of the origins and earliest history of mankind.

British Army Colonel James Churchward began his service in India. At the end of the 60s of the last century, he met the Teacher there - the abbot of one of the ancient temples, whom in his works he later simply called rishi("sage"). The apprenticeship grew into friendship. Under the guidance of an Indian monk, the Briton mastered the arts of meditation and astral projection and studied the sacred symbolism of Hinduism.

It all started with Churchward asking the abbot for permission to copy several temple bas-reliefs in order to try to decipher their meaning. The intrigued rishi not only gave him such permission, but also undertook to help with his instructions. Churchward recalls:

He showed me how to solve the riddle of these bizarre inscriptions, and taught me lessons that prepared me to solve even more difficult problems.

For more than two years I diligently studied the dead language, which, according to my friend the abbot, was the original language of mankind. He informed me that there were only two other abbots left in India who understood this language. The main difficulty was that in many of the seemingly simple inscriptions there was a hidden meaning intended exclusively for the Holy Brothers - nakaliya 1 , - members of the priestly brotherhood who left the Ancestral Homeland for the colonies to teach their inhabitants the secret scriptures and sciences.
1 On this see also; Merry Hope.Nasle que Sirius: unraveling the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. Kyiv, “Sofia”, 1997.
One day a rishi told Churchward that in the recesses of the temple there were kept many ancient stone tablets - so sacred that for many centuries no one even dared to touch them. When he added that these priceless tablets were created by mysterious glowing- either in Burma, or in the Ancestral Home itself - the now disappeared continent of Mu - the Englishman was eager to see them.

But the rishi was in no hurry to show the tablets. He explained to his British friend that these texts were only fragments of a huge collection previously kept in each of the seven holy cities of India. Most of the tablets were considered lost. Those that remained were sacred relics that could not be removed from their containers.

Nevertheless, six months later, Churchward managed to persuade the rishis to remove the “Nakala tablets” from their clay cases, if only to make sure that they were intact.

Many of the signs really needed restoration, ABOUT Along the way, Churchward cataloged them and began trying to decipher the various symbolic images:

Many months of intense and concentrated translation of the tablets followed, but our efforts were fully rewarded. The texts described in detail the creation of the world and man, as well as the place where this happened - Mu.

Realizing that I had touched the greatest secret - the secret of human nature - I tried, although unsuccessfully, to find other lost tablets. I traveled to Indian temples with letters of introduction to their abbots, but was invariably received with coldness and suspicion.

At first this made me despondent, but even the information that I was able to extract from the signs I saw wasso valuable that I decided to study the chronicles of all ancient civilizationsAnd compare them withNikolsky texts.
I Doesn't this word remind you of the Toltecnaguals - spiritual leaders showing people the path to freedom?
Since then, Churchward's entire life has been subordinated to this main goal. He traveled all over the world, studied many ancient documents, architectural monuments and archaeological relics, and studied geology and physics. The theory, which began with stone tablets in an Indian temple, received more and more new reinforcements.

I discovered that the civilizations of the ancient Greeks, Chaldeans, Babylonians, Persians, Egyptians and Indians arose from an ancestral civilization called Mu.

Continuing my research, I found out that this disappeared continent was located in the Pacific Ocean and extended from what is now Hawaii to approximately the islands of Fiji and Easter; this is where the ancestral home of man was. I learned that in this beautiful country lived a people who colonized the entire Earth, and that this abundant land was destroyed by terrible earthquakes and sank into the ocean about 12 thousand years ago.

Churchward reconstructed the religion of the country of Mu - the first religion of mankind, simple and sublime. He recreated the history of the Earth - under Mu and after its disappearance. He traced traces of grief for the Motherland, which tragically died during its heyday, in all cultures of the Earth.

Perhaps it's time to give the floor to the colonel himself. The text you are about to read is based on two versions of the book “The Vanished Continent of Mu,” published in 1926 and 1931. These versions have some differences; in addition, both of them are replete with repetition. While preserving the features of Churchward's literary style and his consistency of presentation, we tried to present the material in a form more acceptable to the modern reader.

All the scientific materials of this work are based on the translation of two sets of ancient tablets - the “Nacala tablets”, which I found in India many years ago, and an extensive (more than 2500 copies) collection of stone tablets discovered by William Niven in Mexico.

Both series of tablets have a common origin, being excerpts from the Sacred Inspirational Writings of Mu.

The Nakala tablets are written with the symbols and signs of the Nagas - according to legend, they were created in the Ancestral Home and transferred to Burma, and then (more than 15 thousand years ago) to India.

Where the “Mexican tablets” were created remains a mystery. They are partly written in Northern, or Uyghur, symbols and signs. However, the main writing of both series of tablets is the sacred alphabet of the Ancestral Motherland-Mu. I cannot say whether they were created in Mexico or in the Ancestral Home (after which they were transported to Mexico), but the contents of some tablets indicate that they were already more than 12 thousand years. On some Mexican tablets I found several sayings about Mu; others turned out to be the missing links in my “incandescent story of Creation.”

These American tablets describe Creation in great detail and tell the essence of Life and its origin, as well as the origin and activities of the “Four Great Cosmic Forces.” More than 1,000 signs are devoted to a less important, but no less interesting topic - The creation of woman.

The Nacal tablets that I dealt with in India were only fragments of huge texts on a variety of topics, and there were many missing links in them. The Mexican tablets not only confirm the Nacala ones, but also fill many of these gaps.

I spent many years proving - as experimentally as possible - that the facts presented in my book are correct. This work is the culmination of almost half a century of research and study and describes everything that I have discovered on the ancient and extremely interesting Nacala tablets. And I have not yet been able to find any error in them.

The Mexican tablets, like the Nacala ones, leave me personally no doubt that there was once an incredibly ancient civilization on Earth, superior in many respects to our own. Along with other ancient records, these tablets indicate that the civilizations of India, Babylon, Persia, Egypt and Yucatan were only smoldering embers of one great civilization of the past.

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for materials kindly provided for the development of this book by the British Museum (London), the Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Honolulu), the American Weekly (New York), Captain I. E. Salisbury ( Los Angeles, California), Samuel Hubbard (Oakland, California), as well as William Niven (Austin, Texas) and a number of monasteries in India and Tibet, the names of which I do not mention at the request of their abbots.

Nacala tablets

Figure 1a. Thin straight horizontal lines. Symbol of space.

Figure 1b. Seven-Headed Serpent moving in space. The circle that encloses it means the universe.

Figure 2. Wavy horizontal lines. Symbol of earthly waters.

Figure 3. This circle represents the sun. The sun was a collective symbol of all the attributes of the deity.

Figure 4. The thin vertical lines emanating from the sun symbolize its forces, akin to the earthly force of light, which, when set in motion, gives light to the earth.

Figure 5. The vertical wavy lines emanating from the sun symbolize the powers of the sun, akin to the earth's power of heat; when these forces meet, the earth's heat force is activated.

Figure 6a. The vertical dotted lines emanating from the sun symbolize its forces, akin to the earthly force of life.

Figure 6b. The related forces of the sun, which excite the earthly force of life in the cosmic eggs (located in water) and initiate their development.

Figure 6c. The related forces of the sun, which excite the earthly force of life in the cosmic eggs (located on land) and initiate their development.

. Figure 7. The ancients designated Mu with this geometric symbol. In addition, this is a sacred letter M(read as muililsh), which corresponds to the meanings: “mother, earth, field, country, mouth.”

Figure 8. Sign tau in the country Mu was a symbol of resurrection. It is also an image of the Southern Cross constellation. Tau also means "generation", "appearance", etc.

Drawing 9. The lotus flower is a plant symbol of Mu. According to legend, the lotus was the first plant to appear on earth, and that is why it was chosen as the symbolic flower of the Ancestor.

Figure 10. Three is the number symbolizing Mu. This "continent" consisted of three separate landmasses, separated from each other by narrow straits or seas.

Figure 11. Often found on Nacala tablets Ke- a jumping deer, a symbol of the “first man”. The main thing in this symbol is the jumping ability of the deer. It indicates that man appeared on earth fully and completely developed - as if he “jumped” onto the earth “ready-made” and did not go through the natural path of development. In other words, man is a special creature.

Figure 12. In Mu, this sign was a symbol of fire. The lines are thick at the bottom, but begin to twist and thin as they rise at the top.

Figure 13. This drawing is found on a tablet describing the emergence of mountains and the formation of gas belts. So, we see where the Egyptians got their symbol of fire - from filaments from India. The Egyptian symbol of fire is just a modification of the Naga sign. The Egyptians added a hilt to the sign of the Jags and turned it into a sword.

It is not difficult to understand the reason why the Egyptians made this change. In their hieroglyphics, they sought to distinguish between two forms of fire: fire escaping from below, and fire itself. flame. They resorted to this to describe the destruction of their ancestral home, which, in their words, “sank into a fiery abyss.”

We will meet this symbol again in the chapter on the sacred Egyptian text "Book of the Dead".

Figure 14. This design is one of the most interesting among all the symbols of the Nacala tablets. It describes the coming of man to earth, to the country of Mu, and consists of individual symbols:

a. Lotus is the plant symbol of Mu.

b. Three plants are the numerical symbol of Mu.

c. Sacred letter M- alphabetic symbol Mu.

(І. Tau> symbol of resurrection: “emergence”, “generation”, “appearance”. The upper part of the Gdu sign is a sacred letter M and means earth; thus, this symbol means "the appearance of the earth."
e. Water symbol. The resulting land is surrounded by waters. / Ke is the first person.

In this figure three times - symbols a>b And With- the name of the country Mu is indicated. A person, a symbol /, appears on the ground, as if “jumping” onto it fully formed.

It was with this drawing that my worldwide search for information related to Mu began.

I discovered that the tablets could be classified by topic, with each topic explained in a whole series of tablets." There were from two to sixteen tablets in the series. We were lucky to find two tablets that contained clues to various symbols and hieroglyphs. All I grouped the plates by series as follows:

Series 1. General description of the process of creation up to the appearance of man.

Series 2. The emergence of mountains thanks to “underground fire” (gases); preparation for the formation of future gas belts.

Series 3. The origin and activity of the great forces of the universe.

Series 4. The origin and activity of the great primary force of the earth, which has two main categories.

Series 5. The origin and activity of the great atomic force of the earth - subdivisions of one of two main categories.

Series 6. The origin and activity of the force that creates and sustains life - subdivisions of one of two main categories.

Episode 7. Origin of life. The essence of life. Changing life forms as a necessary condition for the development of the earth.- /

Episode 8. The Creation of Man. The essence of man and his difference from all other creatures.

Episode 9. The Coming of Man to Earth; a description of the place of his initial appearance on Earth - “The ancestral home of man.” Undoubtedly, this is just the beginning of a larger series| dedicated to the early history of Mu.

Series 10. Consists of only two tablets, although each th they are no less than twice the size of any others. These tablets served as keys to the signs and drawings of other texts.


It was with these two tablets that our work began, which resulted in the translation of the remaining texts. If we did not have this key, the chances of deciphering the remaining tablets would be extremely small. I can't believe that without the key we could decipher at least half of the texts. Our work was made easier by the old priest's amazing knowledge of the past. As soon as he deciphered the first lines of the sacred text, he was already talking about what was said in the rest of the tablet. According to him, some other temples could also have preserved such records, saved during the destruction of ancient cities.

Contents of the Nacala tablets

Originally the universe was only a soul or spirit. Everything was devoid of life - calm, silent, soundless. Emptiness and darkness made up the immensity of space. And only the Supreme Spirit, the great Self-Existing Power, the Creator, the Seven-Headed Serpent, moved in this abyss of darkness.

He had a desire to create worlds, and He created worlds; and He had a desire to create the earth and living things onnto her, and He created the earth and everything that is on it. This is how the earth and all life on it were created -

The seven highest intelligences of the Seven-Headed Serpent gave seven commands.”

The first command of the minds was the words: “Let the gases, which have no form and are dispersed in space, come together, and let the earth be formed from them.”

The gases then gathered together in the form of a rotating mass.

The second command was: “Let the gases become solid and form the earth.”

Then the gases became solidity; their mass remained outside, and from it water and air were formed; and another mass was contained within the new world. There was darkness and there were no sounds, for neither the air nor the waters had yet taken their form.

The third command was: "Let the external gases separate and let them form air and water."

And the gases were separated; one part formed waters, and the waters settled on the earth and covered its face, so that there was nowhere sushi. That part of the gases that did not become water formed air, and light was contained in the air.

And the rays of the sun met rays of light in the air (atmosphere) and gave birth to light. And then the light began to fall on the surface of the earth (see Fig. 4 on page 13); And heat was also contained in the air.

And the rays of the sun met the rays of heat in the air (atmosphere) and gave it life. And then heat arose, warming the surface of the earth (see Fig. 5 on page 13).

The fourth command was: “Let the gases that are inside the earth raise the mountains above the surface of the waters.” And underground fires raised the earth,tíaon which the waters rested until it emerged above the surface of the waters and became dry land.”

The fifth command was: “Let life enter the waters.” And the rays of the sun met the rays of the earth in the mud of the waters, and there cosmic eggs (embryos of life) arose from the particles of mud. And from these cosmic eggs, according to command, life came out (see Fig. 6b on page 13).

The sixth command was: “Let life come out to the ground.” And the rays of the sun met the rays of the earth in the dust of the land, and from it cosmic eggs arose; and from these cosmic eggs, according to command, life came (see Fig. 6c on page 13).

When all this happened, the seventh mind said: “Let us create man in our image and give him the power to rule this Earth.”

Then Narayana, the Seven-Headed Mind, the Creator of everything in the universe, created man and put a living and enduring spirit into his body, and man became like Narayana in the power of mind. Thus the creation was completed.

The seven "commands" undoubtedly correspond to specific periods of time, but there is no indication of their duration. It could be days, years or millions of years.

It is noteworthy that the beginning of the Nacal creation story is very reminiscent of the corresponding passages in the Bible. But after this, no less remarkable discrepancies begin. I analyzed the creation myths found in many different nations of the world and found a lot of similarities. The conclusion was that all cosmogonic myths have a common

NARAYANA, THE SEVEN-HEADED SERPENT, SYMBOL OF THE CREATOR AND CREATION. Nira means "Divine" Yana- “creator of all things.” I symbolize seven heads! seven higher Minds and seven planes of the universe. Source. All of them should have arisen in the ancestral home of humanity, in the country of My.

The seventh commandment was the most difficult to translate. The actual decoding turned out to be simple, but we were never able to REACH modern concepts that exactly correspond to the colt holding of the ancient words. For example, “soul” or “spirit” are the best words we could find for what exactly was put into the human body. The word "live" may not reflect exactly what the original implies. But the word “enduring” is, without a doubt, absolutely accurate. What do the words “in our likeness” mean? Obviously, intelligence and mystical abilities, as indicated by the words “let us give him the power to rule this Earth.” So, man came from God and must return to where he came from.

It was incredibly difficult to decipher the Nacala tablets - there were a lot of drawings and images and very little sacred writing. Some sections of the tablets were so worn out that we could not make out anything. In addition, we often came across concepts for which we could not find words in modern languages.

At the beginning of our research, my priest friend informed me that these ancient inscriptions could not be deciphered without knowledge of what he called the “Naga-Mayan language,” since all the ancient texts associated with Mu were written in this language; in addition, all nakala texts have an esoteric, secret meaning, known only to the nakala and those whom they taught. My friend was familiar with this secret language and undertook to teach it to me.

I studied the language for over two years, punctuating my studies with deciphering to gauge my progress.

When we had completed our research, the old Indian, my friend and teacher, said: “My son, we have only achieved an understanding of the general meaning, but not the smallest details.”

I must sincerely confess that without the help of my dear Indian friend I would never have been able to decipher these tablets.

I found the teachings contained on these tablets reflected in ancient Indian literature and, in addition, in other sources of ancient literature. Here are just a couple of examples:


"Aitareya-Aranyaka" slokas 4-8:

Originally, this universe was only a soul, there was nothing active or inactive in it. He thought: “I want to create worlds,” and so He created worlds, light, mortals

beings, the air containing light, the earth, everything perishable, and the lower depths, the depths of the waters.



Under the blows of the divine arrows, air particles became alive. A warmth arose within him, giving everything movement.

I am sure that all such texts were created on the basis of these ancient temples - this is confirmed by both written evidence and oral legends.

In different parts of the world, the legend of creation undergoes significant modifications, which arose, undoubtedly, in accordance with the way these legends were passed on from generation to generation. As astonishing as this may seem, apart from the Nacal texts, the most reliable of all - it is confirmed by geological discoveries - is the version preserved among the semi-savage cannibal peoples of the South Seas, especially among the inhabitants of the Marquesas Islands.

When describing the history of creation, the ancient Indians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Mayans and Greeks omitted all the details and left only the most general outline of events. The reason for this was perfectly explained by Clement of Alexandria:

The Egyptians did not entrust their secrets to anyone and did not humiliate their secrets associated with divine deeds by revealing them to the uninitiated. They saved them for the heirs to the throne and for thosepriests who stood out for their virtues and wisdom.

In other words, the esoteric meaning was never explained openly.

I believe that the Egyptian creation legend from which Moses composed the biblical account came from India when the Nakali came to Egypt as missionaries to teach the seven Holy Scriptures of Inspiration, religion and science. Thus the impressive story which is now read in Sunday schools throughout Christendom originated in its original form on the now vanished continent of Mu.

I conclude this chapter with two missing links in the Na-Kala creation record - two from William Niven's Mexican stone tablets.

1870 - Colonel James Churchward claimed that an Indian monk showed him ancient tables that mentioned the continent of Mu. The continent received such a strange name - Mu - from the Mayan peoples - Indians of Central America, who still live on the Yucatan Peninsula to this day. It was on the continent of Mu that the first man appeared 50 million years ago, although anthropologists cannot name the exact time of the birth of humanity on our planet.

According to the descriptions of ancient sources, the continent of Mu was an ideal state from which all human civilizations originated. The Mayan manuscript was read by the Frenchman Brasseur de Bourbourg. He introduced this name into use. The word Mu means Mat, or Motherland. In the 19th century, a scientist from France, Brasseur de Bourbourg, managed to decipher an ancient document called the Troan Manuscript. This document is now kept in the British Museum in London. It was found on the Yucatan Peninsula and became evidence of the Mayan peoples about the death of the country of Mu.

Here is how the document reports about those times: “In the year 6 Kan, on the 11th day of Muluk of the month Sak, terrible earthquakes began, which lasted until the 13th Chuen without interruption. The country of the hills of the earth - the country of Mu - was sacrificed. Having moved twice, it disappeared overnight, constantly shaken by lights from the ground. Being compressed in the depths, they caused the earth to rise and collapse several times in different places. Finally the surface of the earth gave way, and 10 countries were torn apart and scattered. They sank along with 64 million inhabitants 8,060 years before the time this book is written.”

The same thing is said in another Mayan “manuscript”. It is called the Code of Cortés and is housed in the National Museum of Madrid in Spain. The land of Mu is mentioned several times there: “With his strong hand, Homen caused the earth to tremble just after sunset, and during the night Mu, the land of the hills of the earth, sank.” “Mu, the life of the seas, was drowned by Homen in one night.”

The death of the continent of Mu is evidenced not only by the written monuments of the Indians. In Hindu monasteries, writings from the highly developed people who inhabited Mu were discovered.

Heinrich Schliemann, a famous archaeologist, found the “Chronicle of Lhasa” in the ancient Buddhist temple of Lhasa in Tibet, which says: “When the star Bal fell where there is now only sky and sea, 7 cities with golden gates and transparent temples trembled and swayed, as if foliage in a storm; and now streams of fire and smoke rose from the palaces. The screams of many people filled the air. They tried to find refuge in their temples and citadels, and the sacred wise Mu rose and said to them: “Didn’t I foretell all this?”

Both men and women, adorned with precious stones and sparkling robes, prayed: “Mu, save us!”, and Mu answered: “You will all perish, with your servants and your wealth, and new nations will rise from your ashes. If they forget that the best is not the one who takes, but the one who gives, the same fate awaits them.” Flame and smoke completed Mu’s words: the country and its inhabitants were torn apart and swallowed by the abyss.”

James Churchward from England, who spent many years exploring the country of Mu, wrote about it: “This continent was a huge hilly country, stretching from Hawaii in the north to the southernmost part of the ocean, to Easter Islands and Fiji. The length of Mu was more than 5,000 miles from west to east (7,620 km) and more than 3,000 miles from north to south (4,572 km). This vast and abundant land was intersected and fed by a large number of wide and calm rivers and streams...

Lush vegetation covered these lands. The amazing landscape was completed by bright and fragrant flowers on the trees and bushes... At the time spoken of, 64 million people were divided into 10 tribes, or peoples, each of which was different from the rest, although all were subject to a common government. Many generations before, people chose a king for themselves and added the prefix Ra to his name. He was a high priest and emperor named Pa-Mu. The empire itself was called the Empire of the Sun.

Churchward made such a poetic description of the continent of Mu based on tablets discovered on the Easter Islands, the Chronicle of Lhasa, the Mayan Troan Manuscript, the Indian book Valmiki and ancient Greek texts. The English researcher only summarized the information contained in them.

One deciphered text contains a description of the disaster: “The waters beat heavily on the plains. They covered the lowlands. Where there were obstacles, rugged banks formed. The earth was hit by water; the waters hid everything that lives and moves, the supports parted, and the continent of Mu sank..."

James Churchward believed that the influence of the inhabitants of Mu extended not only to the peoples of Oceania, Australia, New Zealand, but also to Greece. In particular, he argued that the ancient Greek alphabet consists of lexemes of the Mayan language and is a message to future generations.

Churchward's statement was supported by the famous researcher of Mayan mysteries, the French scientist Auguste le Plongeau, who was engaged in excavations in Central America and considered the Mayans to be descendants of the Mu-Vians. Auguste le Plongeau believed that the Indian manuscripts described in detail the destruction of the continent of Mu. Le Plongeau was one of the first to excavate the ancient cities of Yucatan and drew an analogy between Mayan writing and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Following Churchward, he considered Mu to be the ancestral home of humanity.

But perhaps both researchers were wrong in their conclusions. Modern scientists believe that there could have been several centers for the appearance of the first people, and that today’s humanity is the heir to the cultural, religious and economic activities of the Lemurians, the inhabitants of Mu and the Atlanteans.

1959 - archaeologist Risdon Hardlop found documents allegedly left in Mexico by a priest from Mu. But the research of the same D. Churchward shows that there are many oddities in the history of the death of Mu.

At first, scientists were very skeptical about the possibility that in the past an entire continent could have existed in the Pacific Ocean and then disappeared without a trace. But some discoveries have shed light on the mystery.

First, sacred tablets were discovered in an Indian temple. These tablets were the first evidence of the existence of Mu and the starting point for the search for other evidence around the world. The tablets tell of the exodus of people from the land in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. In addition, they contain the story of the creation of man and his coming to earth. Later evidence, recorded in Egypt, India and the Mayan country, outlines and describes the death of the world of Mu, whose lands were destroyed by an earthquake and then sank into a fiery abyss. The earth has disappeared under the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and where a powerful civilization once flourished, now sea waves are rolling.

Secondly, evidence of the existence of Mu is found in other ancient texts, including such classics as the epic Ramayana, recorded by the sage and historian Valmiki under the dictation of Narada, the high priest of the Ayodhya temple, who read the ancient texts kept in the temple to the sage. At one point in the epic, Valmiki mentioned some people as “coming to Burma from the country of their birth in the east,” that is, from the Pacific Ocean.

In the already mentioned “Troan Manuscript”, the same symbol that researchers found in India, Burma and Egypt is used to designate the country of Mu. Another source, the Codex of Cortez, a Mayan book of approximately the same age as the Troan Manuscript, only strengthens the view of the plausibility of the event. In addition, there is the Chronicle of Lhasa, as well as hundreds of other documents from Egypt, Greece, Central America, Mexico and rock inscriptions in the western states of America.

Thirdly, there are the remains of religious buildings, the layout and decorative symbolism of which tell about the disappeared country of Mu - the ancestral home of humanity.

Fourthly, the similarity of some ancient symbols and legends found in Egypt, Burma, India, Japan, China and the South Sea Islands, in Central America, South America, with the symbols and traditions of many tribes of North American Indians and in other centers of ancient civilizations has been noted . These symbols and legends are so similar that they could undoubtedly come from a single source - Mu.

Let's try to imagine what this continent might have looked like, stretching from Hawaii to Easter Islands and Fiji. This vast land was protected from the cold winds blowing from Antarctica by high mountains. They are still visible over the waters of the Pacific Ocean. These are the islands: Fiji, Tonga, Nikafou, Samoa, Mangaia, Tahiti, Marquesas and with giant stone idols.

In the center of the continent were fertile plains with tropical vegetation. In the north, the continent was bounded by mountain ranges, from which the Mariana Islands and Hawaii remained. The continent consisted of three landmasses separated from each other by narrow straits or seas. Closer to the mountains there were thickets of tropical plants.

There were many wide and calm rivers and streams flowing there. Palm groves rose along the ocean coast and on the banks of rivers and streams. Sacred lotus flowers floated in the lakes. Wide roads paved with smooth stones diverged in all directions.

It was a beautiful tropical country with endless plains. The valleys and plains were covered with lush pastures and cultivated fields, and the "low hill lands" were hidden in lush thickets of tropical plants. The smooth, soft horizon of this earthly paradise was not disturbed by either individual hills or mountain ranges. The bowels of the Earth have not yet formed mountain ranges.

The streams and rivers that fed this vast and bountiful land followed their winding paths with incredible turns and curved around forested rolling hills and fertile plains. The lush vegetation was complemented by bright fragrant flowers. Along the ocean coasts and river banks rose shady palm groves that went many miles into the interior of the continent. Huge ferns covered the river banks with their feather-like leaves. In the valleys, the rivers expanded and formed small lakes, along the banks of which, over the sparkling surface of the water, myriads of sacred lotus flowers bloomed, like multi-colored precious stones set in emerald green.

Over the cool rivers, in the shade of the trees, motley and bright butterflies fluttered lightly, like fairies, as if trying to emphasize their multi-colored beauty with reflections in natural mirrors. Here and there tiny hummingbirds flew from flower to flower, flashing in the rays of the sun like living jewels. Small feathered songbirds in the bushes and trees vied with each other with the sweetness of their songs. The air was filled with the sounds of chirping grasshoppers, drowning out the sounds of cicadas. Herds of mighty elephants roamed the primeval forests, tirelessly waving their huge ears to ward off annoying insects.

This whole vast continent abounded in bright colors and life, the highest form of which were “64 million human beings”, divided into 10 tribes, or peoples, who were subject to a common government. Wide, smooth roads diverged in all directions, like threads of a spider's web. These roads were paved with smooth stones, fitted together so tightly that “the grass could not get through between them.” This paradise was called the Empire of the Sun.

There was a single religion on the continent, all people believed in. The reverence for the Divine was so great that people never uttered His name, but in prayers and requests they addressed Him with the help of symbols. To collectively designate all His attributes, the concept Pa-Sun was used. The High Priest Pa-Mu was the representative of the Deity. Everyone understood perfectly well that Ra-Mu should not be worshiped as a Deity, because he is only His personification.

How could people dress in this legendary country? What seemed beautiful to them and what was ugly? In the Tibetan Chronicle of Lhasa, discovered by Heinrich Schliemann, it is written that in this country “rich people adorned themselves with fine robes and amazing precious stones.”

In those days, the people of Mu were highly civilized and enlightened. The lands of Mu were dominated by the white race; they were amazingly beautiful people with clear white or olive skin, large, gentle and dark eyes and straight black hair. In addition to the white race, there were others - people with yellow, brown and black skin. But there weren't many of them. The ancient people of Mu were excellent sailors, their ships sailed all over the world, “from the western to the eastern oceans, from the northern to the southern seas... They were wonderful architects and built huge temples and palaces from stone.” They created majestic monolithic monuments.

In all three lands of the Mu continent, people lived in big cities, towns and villages; and there were 7 main cities, centers of religion, science and education. The land of Mu was the birthplace and center of human civilization, education and trade; all other countries on our planet were its colonies. The cities were decorated with huge temples made of carved stone, without roofs - they were called transparent temples.

There was no roof so that the rays of Ra, symbols of the Deity's gratitude, could freely penetrate the temple and illuminate the heads of those praying and worshiping. “Rich people... lived in beautiful palaces surrounded by many servants.” Mu's ships continually transported passengers and goods between the mother continent and the colonies.

When this great country reached its peak, when it became the center of all earthly civilization, science, trade, when huge stone temples rose and giant monolithic statues were installed, terrible upheavals suddenly began. The southern regions of the continent of Mu were shaken by a roar from the very depths of the Earth, followed by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Along the southern coast of the continent, huge catastrophic waves buried the land beneath them, and many beautiful cities were destroyed. Volcanoes spewed fire, smoke and lava. Because the country was flat, the lava did not spread over the surface of the earth, but accumulated at the site of eruptions, forming cones that later turned into mountains of volcanic origin, which can still be seen on some southern islands in our time. Over time, volcanic activity ceased.

After the cessation of volcanic eruptions, the people of the country of Mu gradually overcame their fear. The destroyed cities were rebuilt and trade resumed. Generations passed, and when what happened had already become ancient history, Mu again became a victim of earthquakes. “The entire continent rose and swayed as if on ocean waves. The earth shook and shook like the leaves of trees in a storm. Temples and palaces, monuments and statues collapsed. The cities turned into heaps of ruins."

The ground rose and fell, swayed and shook, and fire burst out from under it, piercing the clouds with roaring tongues of flame. In the heights they encountered arrows of lightning that filled the sky. A thick blanket of black smoke covered the entire earth, “giant waves rolled onto the shores and flooded the plains.” Everything rushed towards inevitable death. When the setting sun appeared over the horizon, it looked like a ball of fire, red and angry. After it sank below the horizon, impenetrable darkness reigned around, broken only by flashes of lightning.

“Overnight, all the land broke into pieces. The doomed continent plunged into the ocean with a thunderous roar. When Mu plunged into the fiery abyss, the power of water manifested itself - giant waves rushed from all sides. They met where the very heart of the continent had once been, and boiled and seethed in that place.”

The ancestral home of humanity, with all its majestic cities, temples and palaces, with all its arts, sciences and knowledge, has turned into a myth. For almost 13,000 years, the death of this great civilization darkened the entire Earth.

Having swallowed the continent with everything that was on it, the waters calmed down, freely spreading in all directions of the horizon - the Pacific Ocean was born!

All the remaining islands and archipelagos were filled with people who were lucky enough to survive. These people found that they had lost everything. They had no tools, no clothing, no food left, only tiny patches of land surrounded by ocean. The only clothing for them could be animal skin (if there were animals left on the island) and the foliage of sparse vegetation.

The only weapons of defense and attack could be stones, spears and arrows. Tools had to be made from flint and shells. But the main issue remained the problem of food. There is no doubt that many people died from cold and hunger, and when they died, their bodies became food for the living. This is how cannibalism first appeared. The heirs of a high civilization have sunk to the lowest level of savagery...

The colonies of Mu retained the achievements of the civilization of their metropolis for some time, but in the absence of its support they gradually declined and died, and new civilizations appeared on their ruins.

However, the Mu civilization could not disappear completely without a trace. Ancient ruins and statue-monuments, stone temples and legends, chronicles and manuscripts brought to us the memory of a great country and its tragic death. The ancient historian Plutarch described the meeting of the legislator Solon with the ancient Egyptian high priest Sankhis. He said that 9,000 years ago, the Egyptians interrupted trade and cultural exchange with the lands of the West for the reason that they disappeared into the waters of the ocean. It was from the continent of the Empire of the Sun that the Egyptians received the name of the Sun God - Ra.

On Ponape, which is part of the Caroline Islands, the ruins of one of the temples of Mu have been preserved. Sacred symbols of the Motherland are carved on the walls. The local population is afraid to approach this building for fear of the souls of the ancient Muans allegedly still living there.

Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl spent years of his life studying the giant idols on Easter Island. They were erected by the Long-Eared Ones, one of the Mu peoples, to protect this piece of land from advancing waters. There are also “rongo-rongo” tablets preserved on the island, which contain a lot of interesting information about the life of people in the country of Mu.

The last of the inhabitants of Mu-tasaday. They live on the southern Philippines island of Mindana and lead the most primitive way of life. But other Filipinos also consider themselves descendants of people from Mu and are convinced that healers - surgeons who perform operations without pain - use the knowledge of the Muans. The legends of the peoples inhabiting the Philippines indicate that only 7,000 islands remain from the former territory of the country of Mu.

So, the cradle of humanity was not in the Middle East, as stated in biblical teaching, and not in East Africa, as modern science believes. She was on a now-vanished continent in the Pacific Ocean.

Proof of the existence of the continent Mu in the Pacific Ocean, according to some scientists and esotericists, can be the mysterious figures of Easter Island, and megalithic structures on other islands of the ocean and its bottom. Thus, near the Pacific island of Ponape in the Caroline archipelago there are mysterious “man-made” islands (92 in total), with an area of ​​130 hectares, made of basalt columns, slabs and filled with crushed coral.

This island city, a man-made mini-archipelago called Nan Madola, was built many thousands of years ago, but not by the Polynesians. Columns and blocks weighing up to 15 tons could not be processed and transported 10–15 km by Stone Age people, but they have legends about the giants and magicians who once lived there, who built these fortresses in the middle of the ocean, about the lost highly developed civilization and people-gods.

Churchward outlined his discoveries of 1926–1931. in the book "The Vanished Continent of Mu". All materials in this work on the continent of Mu are based on Indian tablets, as well as an extensive (more than 2,500 copies) collection of stone tablets found in Mexico. Both series of tablets have a common origin, being excerpts from the sacred writings of Mu. The most interesting evidence about Mu is recorded on tablets found on Easter Island.

The story told by Churchward captured the imagination of people to such an extent that many wanted to know how the researcher obtained such unique information. It must be said that the fate and life of this extraordinary person could become the plot of a separate interesting book.

While serving in India, the colonel became friends with an old Hindu priest who helped him decipher stone tablets that had been kept for centuries in the far corner of the temple. Ancient writings told of a forgotten civilization that appeared, flourished and disappeared in the waters of the Pacific Ocean long before its fate was repeated. Churchward devoted the rest of his life to searching for surviving evidence of this civilization. After India, Burma and Arizona, the southern seas and Alaska, Australia and Mexico awaited him. The colonel studied the history of the Mayans and Uighurs, geology and ancient religions, the symbolism of Greek letters and the swastika. And he wrote an alternative history of our world - too amazing for most people to believe in it...

The history of the Earth holds many unsolved mysteries. One of the most famous is Atlantis, the reality of its existence and the reasons for its destruction are still debated by scientists.

But ancient legends also tell about other continents where advanced civilizations supposedly flourished and which sank as a result of grandiose global cataclysms. Two such continents are most often mentioned: Lemuria in the Indian Ocean and Pacifida, or My, in the Pacific.

The former existence of Lemuria is confirmed by... lemurs

To begin with, it should be noted that some researchers interpret the toponym My as an abbreviation of the name “Lemuria,” that is, as two names for the same continent. But Pacifida is another continent, and the name My has nothing to do with it.

However, those who do not agree with this “distribution” of names point out that most researchers place Lemuria in the Indian Ocean, and Pacifis (My) in the Pacific.

True, what the water space around the Earth looked like in those infinitely distant times and what was in place of these current oceans is also unknown for sure...

Lemurs live only in Madagascar and the islands of Malaysia (lories). There are no lemurs in Africa.

According to one interpretation, the name “Lemuria” has a curious explanation. In 1830, the English zoologist Philip Latley Sclater noticed that lemurs - animals of the prosimian family - live both in Madagascar (but not on the African continent!) and on the islands of the Malay Archipelago. Of course, these animals are not able to swim across the Indian Ocean.

Based on this, Sclater suggested that in ancient times, perhaps 100 million years ago, there was a continent in the Indian Ocean that subsequently sank. But if this continent existed so long ago, then people could not live on it, since the age of humanity is estimated at only 2-3 million years. However, in the 19th century, some scientists, including Ernst Haeckel, one of the outstanding biologists of that time, considered Lemuria to be the cradle of humanity.

Colonel Churchward's Research

In 1868, British Colonel James Churchward, serving in India, befriended a Buddhist monk who revealed to him the location of several thousand clay tablets covered with mysterious symbols. Churchward studied the tablets for more than 10 years and eventually announced that he was able to read the texts written on them. According to him, these texts tell the history of the continent of My. On this continent, which sank 100 thousand years ago, 64 million people lived, and their level of civilization was in many ways superior to the present one.

Being a wealthy man, Churchward began to travel around the world in search of other sources that could confirm the existence of the continent and civilization My. He visited Tibet, Central Asia, Burma, Egypt, Siberia, Australia, the Pacific Islands and Central America. It was in Central America that the colonel learned that the American archaeologist William Niven, during excavations in Mexico, had discovered ruins of buildings and tablets covered with strange signs.

Having seen the tablets found by Niven, Churchward stated that these were the same signs as on the tablets from the Indian monastery. Together they deciphered the inscriptions, which told about a huge continent with a large population that existed in the Pacific Ocean, and about its tragic death.

Based on the results of his travels and research, James Churchward published a number of articles, as well as two books: The Lost Continent of Mu and The Cosmic Forces of Mu, published in New York, in 1931 and 1934 respectively.

Pros and cons

As for the tablets kept in the Indian monastery, no one except Churchward saw them, since the colonel, according to him, undertook to keep their location secret. At the same time, all the people who knew the colonel assured that he was an exceptionally truthful and honest person, and the mere fact that he spent all his fortune searching for evidence confirming the information contained in the tablets speaks in his favor. In addition, it was known where other tablets were located - those that Niven found in Mexico.

And yet, some scientists were skeptical about the interpretation of the texts contained in them, although no one doubted the authenticity of the tablets themselves. In 1924, Dr. Morley of the American Carnegie Institution gave the following conclusion about them: “The objects discovered are authentic, but the symbols applied to them, as well as the symbols carved on the ruins of the altar, are unlike anything known to the archeology of the pre-Columbian period.”

The French scientist Robert Carreau, in his “Book of Lost Worlds,” agrees with Churchward’s conclusions about the existence of the Mu civilization. In this regard, Carro mentions the famous ruins of the city of Tiahuanaco, which lies on the shores of Lake Titicaca. They indicate that several thousand years ago (some believe that from 20 to 30 thousand years ago) a highly developed civilization existed here.

Now Tiahuanaco is located at an altitude of 3915 meters above sea level, but on the banks of the canals, the remains of which are preserved within the city, archaeologists find fragments of shells of marine mollusks. According to some scientists, ocean waves once splashed under the walls of Tiahuanaco. It is likely that tectonic shifts in the earth's crust, which caused the uplift of those areas of land where the Andes are now located, simultaneously led to the flooding of the continent of Mu.

And here is the “evidence”

But perhaps the most compelling argument in defense of Churchward’s hypothesis is the ruins of various structures covering dozens of Pacific islands in Polynesia and Micronesia. They are undoubtedly traces of a much older civilization than the one that has existed in these places since the 19th century. These are the ruins of city buildings and temples, the remains of magnificent colonnades and luxurious tombs, fragments of statues. Their size, architecture and craftsmanship indicate that they were created by a people with extensive knowledge and high culture.

Nan Madol

Among such ancient artifacts, undoubtedly, are the ruins of the mysterious city of Nan Madol on one of these islands - Ponape - in the Caroline archipelago. It is quite possible that this entire archipelago is part of a large continent that has sunk into the ocean.

Here are some more examples

On Picerne Island, which lies 2,000 kilometers west of Easter Island, you can see the remains of residential buildings, four-meter statues and the ruins of ancient temples. On the Gambier Islands there are superbly preserved mummies and ruins of high walls that form a semi-circle. On the already mentioned island of Ponape there is a port built of stone with canals, which, according to native legends, was built by the “kings of the sun.” But who they were, where they came from and where they went - no one can say.

In the mentioned book by Carro about the lost continents there is a photograph of a huge arch made of monolithic stone, located on the island of Tongatapu in the Tonga archipelago. This arch weighs about 100 tons, and there is no place on the entire island where it would be possible to obtain a “blank” for such a gigantic part. This means that the stone was brought from somewhere.

Who? When? How?

On one of the Mariana Islands - Tinian - Churchward saw a whole forest of columns, which were later described in detail by archaeologist Laris Tal.

Stone pillars of Tinian Island

Credible legend

There is no doubt that all this indicates the existence in the mentioned places in the very distant past of a highly developed human community. And it is most logical to assume that in this part of the planet there really was once a vast continent and that a civilization flourished on it, although perhaps not as ancient and not as developed as the archaeologist-colonel sees it.

In January 1974, the French magazine Science et Vie (“Science and Life”) reported on a group of five islands located near the New Hebrides archipelago, into which, according to local legends, the island of Cuvaye broke up after a terrible earthquake that occurred in ancient times. Archaeologist Jose Garanger examined soil samples from these islands. The results confirmed the authenticity of the legend.

“This again puts on the agenda the question of the past existence of the continent of Mu” - this is how the mentioned message ends.

Stone Glass Quarry, Rota Island

Tinian Island in the past with a whole stone alley, illustration from an unknown old publication

According to Churchward, the descendants of the people who inhabited Mu were the Mayans in America and the Uighurs in Asia. Uyghurs live to this day - in China (about 7.5 million), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (170 thousand). Ancient Chinese legends speak of a powerful Uyghur empire that existed thousands of years ago.

In 1908 (according to other sources - in 1907), an archaeological expedition led by Central Asian researcher P.K. Kozlov (1863-1935), later a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, discovered the ancient capital of the Uyghur kingdom in the Gobi Desert - the city of Khara-Khoto. Subsequently, during excavations there, the grave of a certain queen was discovered, buried 15,000 years ago.

In 1970, Professor Romeo de Saint-Savoyard expressed the opinion that the population of Mu was of extraterrestrial origin: they were aliens from one of the planets in the constellation Coma Berenices. They became the first civilized inhabitants of the Earth, and subsequently transferred all their knowledge and culture to the inhabitants of Atlantis. The professor believes that the Mu civilization died approximately 700 thousand years ago. It should be noted that not all reputable scientists classified this opinion as science fiction.

In conclusion, a quote from Robert Carreau’s book: “The fact of the existence of the continent of Mu is based on so much evidence from archeology and culture that it would be simply stupid not to take them into account.”


Mu and Lemuria - supposed to be lost lands in the South Pacific. This continent was home to a highly developed culture that may well have been the ancestral home of humanity. Many thousands of years ago, this land went under water as a result of a geological cataclysm. The only thing that reminds us of the once existence of this land is several thousand rocky islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Modern humanity first heard about the land of Mu in the 19th century. When the scientist Augustus Le Plongeon examined the ancient Mayan texts in Yucatan, he was able to find out that the Mayan people consider the Atlanteans, Egyptians and Mu to be their ancestors. And in 1864, geologist Philip Sclater, in his article “Mammals of Madagascar,” named the hypothetical lost continent Lemuria, after which the name came into use. Scientists suggest that the people of Mu lived on Lemuria, which was also confirmed by Mayan writings. Detailed maps of this sunken continent were found on stone tablets in Peru by the Spanish scientist Javier Cabrera.
According to other assumptions, “Lemuria” and “Mu” existed at different times and are not the same place geographically.

According to Churchward, the land of Mu was a real paradise, a civilization with advanced technologies and a population of 64 million inhabitants. About 12,000 years ago, as a result of a devastating earthquake, Mu sank into the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Mu's colony, Atlantis, perished in the same way a thousand years later. The population of all the major ancient civilizations of the world, from the Babylonians to the Persians, from the Mayans to the Egyptians, were from Mu. Churchward stated that he received this sensational information as a young officer while serving in India. There, in the 1980s, during a famine, he became friends with an Indian cleric who told him that he and his two cousins ​​were the only surviving members of Naakal, a secret school that arose 70,000 years ago along with Mu herself.

The clergyman showed Churchward several ancient tablets written by students of Naakal in an unknown language, which was supposedly the oldest language of mankind, and taught the officer to read these texts. Later, Church Nortz, like Le Plongeon, who used the Troano Codex to prove the existence of Mu, claimed that sacred writings of Mu were found on some stone relics in Mexico. Unfortunately, Churchward did not provide any evidence to support his sensational claim. He has not published a translation of the secret tablets of the Naakal brotherhood, and his books on Lemuria/Mu are of continued interest to many readers, but are perceived more as entertainment reading than serious, fact-based research.

Zoologists and geologists today explain the distribution of lemurs and other animals and plants in the Pacific and Indian Ocean basins by the drift of tectonic plates and continents. According to the theory of tectonic plates (however, it is only a theory), the movement of layers of the earth's crust over a less solid layer of the mantle leads to continental drift, increased volcanic and seismic activity and the formation of mountain ranges. The hypothesis of continental drift was put forward by the German scientist Alfred Wegener in 1912, but for 50 years it did not have support in the scientific world. Based on modern ideas about tectonic plates, geologists consider the theory of a continent submerged in the waters of the Pacific Ocean to be false.

The idea that Lemuria is something immaterial, rather a lost cradle of spirituality, is drawn from the work of the famous Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), co-founder (with lawyer Henry Steel Olcott) of the Theosophical Society founded in New York in 1875 d. The Society was a secret order created to study the mystical currents of Christianity and the religions of the East. In her massive work, The Secret Doctrine (1888), Blavatsky describes the origins of the Lord of Fire, which goes back several million years, and tells of five indigenous races that existed on earth, each of which perished as a result of monstrous cataclysms. A third root race, which she called the Lemurians, existed a million years ago. These were unusual people - giants with telepathic abilities, for whom dinosaurs were pets. The Lemurians died in the waters of the Pacific Ocean when their continent sank. The descendants of the Lemurians were the inhabitants of Atlantis - the fourth root race, which was destroyed by black magic: 850,000 years ago the continent was swallowed up by the sea. Those now living represent the fifth root race.

Blavatsky claimed that she learned about all this from the “Book of Dzyan,” allegedly written by the Atlanteans, which she received from the Indian sage, the Mahatma. Blavatsky did not take credit for the discovery of Lemuria. In her works she referred to Philip Sclater, who coined the name Lemuria. It must be said that “The Secret Doctrine” is an extremely complex book in which Western and Eastern cosmology, mysticism and secret wisdom merge, so its text cannot be taken literally. Blavatsky first offers an occult interpretation of Lemuria. It cannot be identified with Churchward's version of the continent as a material object. What Blavatsky and other occultists say about Lemuria can be partly interpreted as an ideal, exalted state of soul, a kind of lost world of spirituality. However, some mediums and seers still perceive ancient Lemuria/Mu as a material object. Some, conducting hypnosis sessions, turn to the past and call those who once lived on the lost continent.

MU - The Land of Mu exists in another universe called Dal. It was from there that the first Lemurians arrived 4,500,000 years ago. The "Land of Mu" is located near what we know as the constellation Cassiopeia.
"Mu" was also the name of the spaceship in which this group of Lemurians arrived on Earth. During the existence of Lemuria, and even earlier, millions of years ago, several civilizations arrived to populate this planet, but they were not sufficiently enlightened by the Light that we know today, and most of them did not embody the true Christ consciousness.

The first Lemurian period began around 200,000 BC. after the completion of one of the Great Cycles, which lasted 25,920 years. This particular cycle, as a result of a massive earthquake, wiped out about half of the Earth's population. The electromagnetism shift caused some lands to break apart and move away from each other. One of the land areas became especially favorable for the development of civilization; mostly peaceful people, originating from the Pleiades, Sirius, and Orion, were drawn to it. This continent was the size of Australia and was located at almost the same longitude, only a little to the north. The first Lemurian civilization was later named the Continent of Mu. At its peak it numbered almost half a billion souls. Three Great Cycles later, the fluctuations of electromagnetism were such as to ensure another catastrophe, and all land masses except Lemuria were flooded.
The Mu entities, being entities of a very primitive nature, possessed very advanced spiritual distortions. Their civilization was part of the current Great Cycle, and arose at the beginning of the first cycle, approximately 53,000 years ago. The Land of Mu was a prosperous and safe place until it sank into the ocean as a result of the rearrangement of the tectonic plates of your planetary sphere, not because of their actions. Those who survived settled in different places - in what is called Russia, North America and South America. Indians are the descendants of these entities.

Like others who have incarnated in this cycle, they came from somewhere else. However, these particular entities were primarily from a 2nd density planet that was having difficulty transitioning to 3rd density living conditions due to the age of the sun, its solar system. This planet was from the Deneb galaxy. "Law of One"
The mysterious continent of MU. Some of the Hawaiian beliefs say that the Big Island was born first, it is the oldest in the Hawaiian island group and all life originated from there. Hawaii was actually the continent of Mu. The beauty that emerged from the lava is the Mother of all Being and all beings around. She was essentially the source, just as Mu was. The Big Island is much older than people think. Life originated from its center. It is no coincidence that it is still in full swing there. The first Cave of Creation was located on the continent of Mu, and now it is directly below us. Steve Rother

The continent of MU on whose territory in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there were the modern Mariana, Polynesian, Hawaiian archipelagos, the islands of Fiji, Tahiti, Fr. Easter, Tonga. The continent of Mu (the empire of the Sun in the Pacific Ocean) occupied the entire southern part of the Pacific Ocean. The continent of My consisted of 3 parts separated from each other by straits and seas. This is the greatest colony, the land on which the life and development of the 3rd and 4th races of the planet took place. Mu initially had strong Mother worship, which was the basis of the Lemurian civilization. The Divine Mother's flame was kept in the main temple of Mu along with the Divine Father's flame, focused in the Golden City of the Sun. In the wide expanses of the Mu colonies, miniature copies of the temple with a flame burning in them were installed as a sanctuary of the consciousness of the Virgin, and thus an arc of Light was created between the Earth and the Sun - an arc along which the energies of the Logos were transmitted, necessary for the precipitation of form and substance in the plans of the Mother (in Matter). Great achievements in the field of technology, surpassing modern insignificant achievements, accompanied the culture of Mu for many centuries. Subsequently, there was a falling away from Grace, which was the result of apostasy from the Mother’s energy and abuse of the energies of the “seed atom” located in the Muladhara chakra. The fall of Mu, thus, was a direct consequence of the “fall of man” - the fall to the lowest point in the desecration of the Cosmic Maiden. All this happened gradually, until false theology completely wiped out the original patterns of the Mother Cult from the face of the earth.

News of the impending cataclysm reached the ears of the inhabitants of Mu. But they made their choice: they chose Darkness, which they loved more than Light. And Lemuria sank to the bottom of the ocean, engulfed in terrifying streams of volcanic fire and erupting lava. The spiritual-material evolution of man was erased from his external memory. This cataclysm was destructive for millions of souls. For some time it seemed that the Darkness had completely hidden the Light, and there was even a question of destroying the planet whose people had abandoned their God. Only the voluntary expulsion of the Great Teachers, who expressed their readiness to do this in order to keep the Flame in the name of humanity and maintain the balance of Light on the planet until the time when people returned to the pure and immaculate religion of their ancient ancestors, saved the situation. The souls of those who died with Mother Earth were reincarnated on the naked earth. Their paradise was lost. With no memory of their previous state and no connection with it due to lack of flame, people fell into a primitive existence. Despite the fact that the physical focus of the Mother’s Flame was lost when Mu was immersed in the ocean waters, on the etheric plane the Female Ray was preserved by the Teachers. In 1971, the Disciples, devoted to the Sacred Fire and serving in the outer abode of the Great White Brotherhood, magnetized the Mother Flame of Mu into the physical octave, thereby securing the magnet for the culture of the Aquarian Age, which began to intensify in the last decades of the twentieth century.
A. L. Jones. "Telos". Book-3.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, a legend was born about Mu, a continent that no longer exists, where a civilization lived that disappeared - the mother of all ancient cultures. British engineer James Churchward claimed that the legacy of Mu was written on stone slabs he saw in a temple in India. In 2010, a German adventurer claimed to have found this place, a hidden "Library" in the Sri Ekambaranatha Temple in Kanchipuram.

James Churchward (1851-1936) was an engineer, inventor and man who claimed to have found evidence of the lost civilization of Mu - the Pacific Atlantis, although he himself thought it was only a colony of Mu. The first person to write about the continent and who disappeared was the American Auguste Le-Plongeon (1825-1908), known for taking the first photographs of the ruins of Chichen Itza. In his books, Le-Plongeon showed a deciphered record of the so-called "Code of Troano", evidence that the Mayans were descendants of the ancient Egyptians. They came from the extinct Mu civilization, which was destroyed by a volcanic eruption. Moreover, according to Churchward, "Queen Mu" went to Egypt, where she settled and took the new, well-known name of Isis. Unfortunately, when the Mayan document was read again, this interpretation was found to be completely incorrect. Jack Churchward, a descendant of James, claims that Le - plongeon relied on the translation of Brasseur de Bourbourg, whose family declared that they were created through "Medium Contact" with the spirit, which influenced the erroneous interpretation of Le - plongeon.
The records of Le-Plongeon were later popularized by the mystic and founder of the Theosophical Society, H. P. Blavatsky (1831-1891), who believed that Le was the homeland of all kinds of occult traditions.
Churchward was born in Great Britain, but then immigrated to the United States. Before that, he visited Sri Lanka (where he acquired a tea plantation) and India. It was there that he found evidence of the existence of the “Lost Age of Humanity.” In India, he became friends with a priest who taught him the dead language of ancient texts (only two people knew it.
The texts were placed on numerous tablets, which the Churchward was allowed to see and read. He felt that, although it was not a complete collection, what he learned allowed him to reconstruct the history of a civilization that had disappeared. And although this happened at the end of the 19th century, Churchward delayed for a very long time in publishing the material, which was published only in 1924, or was the story too good to be true? It is known that Churchward has been studying ancient civilizations for a long time. In the 90s of the 19th century, he met Le-Plongeon and his wife Alice. Jack Churchward said that there is even an unpublished work of his ancestor concerning stone tablets discovered by William Niven near Mexico City. It is known that the two men exchanged correspondence with each other in 1927.
The topic of mu gained publicity when the New York American newspaper wrote about it in 1924, presenting the main theses about the lost continent. His civilization was called the "Empire of the Sun". It had 64 million inhabitants, who were called "Naakals". They lived 50 thousand years ago and were the keepers of sacred knowledge. All known ancient civilizations: Indians, Egyptians, Mayans, were “Remnants” of the Mu civilization.
In 1926, at the age of 75, Churchward published The Lost Continent of Mu: The Homeland of Mankind. According to the author, it stretched from Hawaii to the Fiji and Easter Islands, although geologists doubt that there could once have been land in this area.
Was Churchward a rogue, or in fact someone with real knowledge? To better understand this, it should be noted that certain aspects of the Mu legend come directly from him, while others do not. Le-Plongeon was the first to write about the Naacals in 1896, thus defining the Mayan priests (the word means “exalted”), but did not localize them in the Pacific Ocean. And what about Blavatsky? She, like Churchward, claimed that in India she came across knowledge "Which Disappeared". In her case, it was the "Book of Dzyan", allegedly rewritten on Atlantis by the Indian Mahatmas.
Churchward was in India in the 1980s before moving to America in 1889. During this time, he had to meet the priests, make friends with them and learn a dead language, which took 2 years to learn. After familiarizing himself with the Naakal documents, he continued his research and wandered into Burma, to an ancient Indian shrine, where he looked for additional records.
There's one thing missing from this whole story: evidence. There is no confirmation that the churchward became friends with Hindu priests and saw countless signs. Thus, over the years, his story remains a legend, although he published his own books. Nothing was found that would change this status quo. This was the case until the German explorer, writer and owner of the tourist office, Thomas Ritter, announced that he had reached the “Secret Library” under the shrine of Sri Ekambaranatha in Kanchipuram, where he also found evidence of the existence of the disappeared civilization of Mu.
Ritter claimed that on July 23, 2010, a certain Pachayappa invited him to the entrance to the secret complex, and even allowed him to take some photographs! Ritter said: "Only two tablets were allowed to be photographed in the Fourth Room, which were sufficiently destroyed, however, the writing on them was legible."
These were the so-called Naakal Tablets, the same ones that James Churchward must have seen. The publication of Ritter's material caused a storm of indignation. Suspicions grew when it turned out that the tablets visible in the German’s photographs were actually found in Byblos (Greek - Byblos) in Lebanon, by the French archaeologist Maurice Dunant. Due to the partial amount of text, the tables were not read, however, they are in no way related to India. The tablet shown by Ritter is in the Beirut Museum (cat. no. 16598), not in the "Secret Library" in India.
According to Ritter, in July 2010, while at the shrine, he was greeted not by the Naryan monk who usually came out to meet him, but by an older man, a pachaiyappa, who did not speak English. It was he who led him to the underground complex. What happened next, Ritter describes as follows: “he stopped in front of the metal doors and made a downward pointing gesture, saying \u2018 place of rishi!” Then he opened the doors, behind which was the Naacal library."
Regardless of whether the German is lying or not, he pinpoints the location of the library. This is the Sri - Ekambaranatha Temple in Kanchipuram, in the state of Tamil Nadu (Tamil Nadu). Its gate is almost 60 meters high, making it the largest temple in southern India. Made of granite and decorated with images of gods, goddesses and heroes. It is a Hindu shrine of the god Shiva , and belongs to a group of five similar shrines dedicated to the elements (Sri - ekambaranatha refers to the element of earth. The temple was created around the 7th century AD (possibly older) and is known as the "hall of a thousand pillars", where the walls are decorated with 1008 lingas of Shiva, symbols "male energy"
Ritter claims that the shrine has an underground part, in the form of ten rooms. Nine of them contain signs. Each of the rooms is 25 meters long and 15 meters wide, however, the ceiling is relatively low (at arm's length). According to Pachaiyappa, the library there contains a description of the life of the ancients, the legacy left by the "Seven Sages".
Tens of thousands of signs are on black granite boards. Ritter noted: “Both sides of the stone tablets (each about the size of a postcard) are covered with tiny slanted letters of an unfamiliar alphabet. Other tablets contained elegant geometric patterns, drawings and astronomical representations.
The tablets in the first three halls are made of black granite, in the next three - of gold. These latter, measuring 14 x 10 cm and 2-3 mm thick, were combined like books. The last rooms contained silver and bronze tablets, the contents of which were difficult to decipher. Ritter had to clean them with a handkerchief to see what was written on them.
As he said, he was allowed to photograph only two exhibits. In the rooms themselves there were numerous descriptions of the lives and actions of rishis (the so-called authors of the Vedic scriptures and some gods, and later a separate class of “Beings”). In the middle of the last room stood a one and a half meter column, which, according to Pachayappa, was made of something other than Behind it, in a semicircle, are figures of seven rishis, which were covered with gold or silver.
There were also rolls of metal film. One of them, an expanded pachaiyappa, was similar to the one published in Churchward's book. At the end of the room there were doors, however, they could not be opened, since they lead to an underground tunnel, which, according to the Hindu, should connect several cities.
The German argued that foreigners usually do not have access to the library, and entry into the central part of the temple is also prohibited. Ritter admitted that by some miracle he had achieved what Churchward had managed for over a hundred years. However, this does not convince everyone.
Since 1993, Ritter has also been conducting research on the so-called Palm Leaf Libraries, which are scattered throughout the Indian subcontinent. He localized one of them specifically in Kanchipuram. Their originals were created by rishis 5000 years before the birth of Christ. These texts are considered as traditional oracles. Hindus believe that each of them is a description of one incarnation, hence such a huge number of texts.
Usually the priest invites visitors to choose one of the “Books”, which should describe past and future incarnations. The content remains a matter of personal interpretation. Because media is unstable, the recordings have been copied countless times. It is claimed that their originals were carved on much harder material, in the form of stone or metal slabs.